Posted 6 months, 19 hours ago by glittersprouts

Figured it would be better to post it here in a bulletin than my carrd, as I dont think everyone looks at it.

Ill make this short and sweet, these are problematic people I dont want owning my art or designs. If I catch you trading or selling my designs to these people you will be blacklisted as well!

👽 Chewtle/Assrat: Bluntly stealing my design, and admitting of theft.

👽 @Stickyguts: Personal, uncomfortable with them.

👽 @Alienfever: Tremendously lowballing in the past, rushing me every time, I ended up making 8 fullbodies for $15. Lowballed my friend, stole $60 out of comms from her, and paid 1 year later.

👽 @Judejamboree: Making fake public claims of me with no proof, super uncomfortable with them now.

👽@Retromutt: Uncomfortable with them


Ah, Alienfever. Didn't think I'd see their name around for a long time. I've had them in my blacklist for a while now as well, seems their area of effect is wide

It is 💀 lord i'm sorry you had to deal with them

I kinda think it’s messed up that Jude still owns several of your designs… like if they hate you so much why are your designs their sonas 💀

IKR??? LIKE.....kind of hypocrite but ok 💀


man i'm so sorry you had to deal with these people, same with the situation of yesterday... 

HAHAHAH IT'S ALL GOOD HOMIE!!!!!! the good thing is that no one believed that thing, instead of losing followers I gained more like? Ok thanks for the free promo 💀🤞


They would constantly rip off their designs too.. like idk how you can be a fan and completely rip off your fav artist

thissss like whah..

Nah cause id be fucking angry is someone made me do 8 fullbodies just for $15 bucks to be handed to me

Sorry that happen wtf

NAH IT'S ALL GOOD i was 16 and dumb 💀