Posted 5 months, 26 days ago by Aeoegis

I moved out of state in May to live with my gf, it meant moving in with her mom. Ever since I’ve been here, I’ve been taken advantage of. I pay a portion towards all bills, even car insurance that my name isn’t on and a car payment that once again my name isn’t on. I’ve basically just rolled with all the bs until now. We are finally getting our own place and it’s in the works. Unfortunately, a lot of my property is stored in their shipping container that they use for storage and in their shed. They're both locked. Her mom claims the keys are “lost” and that she won’t even bother looking for them until I pay her X amount of money for December rent- BUT she’s also claiming I owe her 2 months of rent too. So my belongings are being held hostage unless I can give her over $600 that she thinks I owe her.

In order to raise the funds to ransom my things, I’m placing my entire gallery for sale. Any amount offers. Please. I really need help to get out of this situation once and for all… The expenses with trying to get a home loan have drained me financially, I could’ve paid for this months “rent” fine but I don’t have the extra month $ she’s demanding of me… I don’t know what to do. We have even offered to bolt cut the locks and replace them with brand new, but she says if I do that without paying her that $ then she will call the cops and have me arrested.


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