1 open comm slot

Posted 5 months, 22 days ago by Junkvards

I have one remaining digital comm slot open before I briefly close if anyone’s interested!

(Been up 30+ hrs and I’m on mobile so no examples rn… if u follow me u likely know what my art looks like, if not I’ve got a few exs of each on carrd)

Normal prices on my carrd here  

+I extended my sale so prices are:

Pixel bundles, by average complexity (simple, mid range, complex):
For 2 larges: 42$ - 51$ - 60$
For 3 smalls: 25$ - 33$ - 38$

Chibi bundles, by  average complexity:
for 2: 60$ - 70$ - 80$
for 3: 90$ - 105$ - 120$

Fullbodies now start at 30$ and go up to 40$ so overall 10$ off !


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