. yoo? (purge lol)

Posted 5 months, 22 days ago by pikoki

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randomly shows up again at 4am

hey what’s going on guys it’s been a hot minute! sorry bout that 😭

so what’s the deal? basically i’m cracking down on junior year and im really trying to shove in all the best academic stuff possible before i start college apps so unfortunately that means no drawing :(

ok well partly it’s because i don’t feel like drawing half of the time but it’s like i don’t have enough free time where i can go like “oh yea i should draw something”

so basically i’ve just been absorbing art tips and ideas without actually following through with any of them 💀

sorry to everyone who thought id be back in a few weeks or so, this wasn’t my intention i swear 😭😭 but i don’t think im fully coming back still

but i will admit i still love drawing i mean heck i will never stop sketching izuku omg i love him so much but uh as far as commissions and adopts go: uhhhhhh we’ll see i guess 🤷‍♀️

if i had to be honest, anything i do on this account will probably just be impulsive stuff, really sorry about that!

also im prob gonna start just putting up some characters for offers and such, i have been neglecting a lot of them even though i do really like them!

(edit: im purging like half of my characters lol most of them are free!! others are da points only!! all of them are discounted at least like 400p so like its a bargain yooo please take them i cannot take care of them anymore 😭 https://toyhou.se/pikoki/characters/folder:2036037 )

but anywyas, sorry again y’all, i didn’t want to do art as my career so this is kind of inevitable 🥲

merry christmas and happy holidays though!! miss you guys :)

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sure! sending them rn ^^

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aah your characters are so pretty <3 could i possibly grab https://toyhou.se/11411679.free-dusk ? they look so fun to draw!

sure! sending them over!

thank you so much :DD

Good luck on your academics! Take your time coming back, we miss you but your school is important too <3

anywho- could I snag https://toyhou.se/17592596.100p-junie and perhaps even https://toyhou.se/12738871.free-london?

thank you so much!

and also i forgot to mention but i think im limiting them one per person, so is there one you’d prefer? if the other isn’t taken in a few days i’ll let you adopt them too :)


Understood! I think I’ll take Junie, just lmk when to send the points

alright! send to https://www.deviantart.com/pikokii whenever and i’ll send em over :)

Sent! Tysm!

Welcome back sort of ish? Anyways hope you have a fun time but don’t stress junior year too much :)

I’d love to adopt https://toyhou.se/11714916.free-milo !

thank you, i appreciate it 😭🙏

and sorry but milo was already claimed, is there another guy that you’d like?

Nah it’s ok!

could I adopt https://toyhou.se/17176996.free-ollie? They‘re so pretty ^^

sure! sending them over :)


Oh my goodness https://toyhou.se/16220195.free-rai is so cool?? I've got an idea I could use them for :00

sounds good! sending them over!

Awesome!! Thank you!


Would it be alright if I got https://toyhou.se/11801271.free-smoothie ? :D

I have been looking for designs by you for a while lol, so If I was given Smoothie, I promise I would not just let her rot in my folders or just trade her away immediately. ^^

If Smoothie is already claimed, I would love to get https://toyhou.se/11714916.free-milo - :O (Been looking for a Silverpelt design for a while- sorry for asking for another one, you just have alot of good characters-)

milo is being sent over!


Okay, thank you!! ^^