Selling characters

Posted 4 months, 19 days ago by leek

This week my iPad broke. Apple has been unable to get any of my files and refused to even try to fix it. I have been able to get a new iPad, but I need to pay to have someone recover the data. Selling some characters to cover costs. I also have covid right now and everything just sucks. Let me know if you'd like to buy any


I'm sorry things are so rough! If you ever want to resell this birb someday, do let me know <3 (probably not I imagine, but just offering haha)--best of luck with sales!

Sorry about your ipad! I hope you can get the files

Can I get if still available

Thank you!!

That one is still available, go ahead and send to [email protected] and I'll transfer!


I'm sorry things are going so poorly :C

Could I grab these ones?;


Send to [email protected] and I'll transfer over

Payment sent!!

Transfered both over, thank you!

Received and accepted, thank you so much!! I hope things get better soon ;v;

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Sure!! Send to [email protected]

They were based off peregrine falcons! 

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Thank you! Transferred over :’ )

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TY 😂 it was a bunch of bad luck hitting at once....

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Sure!! Go ahead and send the money to [email protected] and I'll transfer over

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