my #1 dni/autoblock

Posted 9 months, 1 day ago by Rivendell_

if anyone here supports cringe culture, you can get the [f-bomb] out

ive gotten so much hate for being 'cringe' or 'weird', so much so that i got diagnosed with social anxiety from it

if you support it, dont care, or anything other than oppose it, then get out. you will be blocked.


L1ttleL34f imaginaryDisbelief

cringe culture is the culture of making fun of "cringe" or "weird" things, like furries, gatcha life, styles (emo, kawaii, ext.) and stuff along those lines.

its basically bully fuel, and has taken so many lives (in terms of suicide.)


oh! that makes sense. thank u for explaining

Wait What Is Cringe Culture

wait, what exactly is cringe culture? i've heard the term but i don't really get it.


Like it's so annoying cringe culture is dead and will never come back alive because all it does it hurt people and ruin people's fun

right?!?!? like- it doesn't hurt you, and if anythings weird its the fact that people make fun of ways people express themselves. ugh 

Preach 🙌