taking usd offers on almost anyone

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by citrangedyke

id like to save up a bit more for a premade suit so im taking offers on almost any one in my toyhouse!

- usd only at this time !

- sonas are off limits

- favorites may be tentative depending on who

please comment or dm me if you would like to make an offer !


;; How much for https://toyhou.se/779654.oscar love them!!

You have so many characters I like


I dun wanna lowball my friend so I'd like to know before i offer what's the lowest you'd take for any of these , you're willing to sell/can sell ;v;/


I LOOOVE YOUU i can consider offers on olwen? : 0 i cant remember what i originally bought them for but i think it was 40-50?? ?M AYBE OR NOT

oh gosh if you would consider art for frog (id hate to lose contact with the owner / never have an opportunity to get her back) shes one of my favesssssss


I can give 20$ for this baby

Im interested in 




How much you want for any of them


i just sold alp I SORRRYY but i could maybe consider around 40$ for bonfire but im little tent!!

BUT ALSO ABOUT PUCCHO i dont know if the rules on the species would allow me to sell them since they made when i won a free myo raffle MY BRIAN SMALL

Aaaaa i can 35$ on bonfire

IF ITS OKAY!! i can think on it and get back to you? : 0


NIIM NIM I HOPE IT WOULDNT BE RUDE OF ME TO ASK but if i were to accept would u lmk if you ever loose interest in them that i could offer for them back?? just bc my brain goes FDKGJSDKFJG BUT I DO TRUST THA BABY WITH YOU!!!!

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Anyone in my TH for Oscar or Afterthought? I can also add $18 and art?

id say i wouldnt take less than 50$ ?? maybe im bad at pricing my own designs AHAH but they are one im tent with but its something i can think on for sure!!

ah oki, i also liked https://toyhou.se/2292045.soda !

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the LINKY BROK E LMAO but i know who u mean!!

but i could def consider !! im relly tent with em since they were a dreamie but?? might be worth it to p art with them if i manage to snag this suit MMMM

i dont know their exact worth so you are free to toss whatever idea u have over! i got 175 offer in the past but like I DONT HTINK they would be worth that much

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