[myo/raffles] december promotions pt4

Posted 4 months, 24 days ago by Rari

december promotions part 4; its just myos, raffles and gifts galore!   

I started playing Balders Gate 3, I've barely touched the surface but I've been having a lot of fun! If anyone has any advice or thoughts to share, feel free to comment below!
Also, the Servox Stocking event and FTO MYO raffle winners have been decided, regardless of whether you won something, I hope you're all looking forward to more Servox events coming in the future!

Unbleeders 2nd Anniversary! [FREE MYOS] - gutter ; https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1622139.unbleeders-2nd-anniversary-free-myos

December Raffle - Cossetlings ; https://cossetlings.com/info/rfl 

[F2E] ART RAFFLE - Kavaplant ; https://toyhou.se/24929301.f2e-art-raffle

CHIBI RAFFLE (F2E) - Meatones ; https://toyhou.se/24889925.chibi-raffle-f2e

F2E raffle!! - Nyanrial ; https://toyhou.se/24962544.f2e-raffle

f2e animated icon raffle - GRUESOM_E ; https://toyhou.se/24973361.f2e-animated-icon-raffle


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