Starting Over (Even When it's Scary)

Posted 4 months, 23 days ago by hatoCAFE

(I know the title is scary I promise I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Just bear with me.)
Toyhouse bulletins are just dA journals to me and that's how I'm going to use them.

Something that I had a hard time admitting to myself (until today or last night, really) is that I have a specific project that I really just want to start over completely on.
For about four years I have been trying to workshop an (I guess proprietary?) sewing pattern for kobolds, and it has caused so much heartache. I've edited and chopped up my pattern so much it's in a million pieces and hardly recognizable anymore, and I don't think it's really any better for it. As hard as it is to admit, I think I really just want a fresh start with it and I think I'm going to vault everything I currently have and just start the whole thing from scratch.
My technique has improved so vastly over the years I've been working on it, I think it's really obvious which parts are old and which are new. I had my pattern influenced by the input of other people and I think it's just worse for it. I didn't do things I wanted to do because someone told me not to, and I just hated the result and correcting it was so much more complicated and looked WORSE than it would've been to just not have to in the first place. I want to make the pattern really personal to me, but also very modular. Lots of the Old Gods kobolds are super varied (especially, ESPECIALLY in the face), and I want to have a pattern that is easy to edit and adjust to accommodate them all, or at least most of them. With my current work it's just not possible, and that feels kind of bad. It feels bad to throw away four years of work and go "this was bad, I am not using this" but I think it'll just be better if I do. Of course, four years is a long time and I didn't work on it for most of that time for various reasons. I was severely depressed, burned out beyond belief from school, dealing with having to fight my sibling to even keep my small crafting area and having it be in a room that I despise AND have to share with two other people, and just generally feeling deeply demotivated to work on it. As much as it sucks, I think this is going to be a really good way for me to just leave behind all the parts of the project I hate, which is frankly just most of it, if not all of it.


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