EO on whole th

Posted 5 months, 15 days ago by 3ketti

I'm so bored I'm sending flowers to my neighborhood. I still don't know how tags works lmao 

Offlimit are TB (tradeback) and my sonas

Everyone Here

Character > art > Anything else


hiiii im super interested in these two :3c
for banzai would you take 3 cheebs and for sketti 6-7 :0? or something else maybe?

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Oh my bad no worries 

I can do this guy for Johnknee 

ooo! I could do that if Ichiban is on trd back :D!!! (He's very sentimental! but ik you'll take good care of him :3)

Ye I can do tb on him but uhh since he's on TB only can john can be tb too?

YAAY! Ofc ofc :] I’ll LYK when I disconnect from John! Do lmk when you’d like me to buy/trd for calamari back :D!! Sending now

I lost connection with calamari/vincent I can trade him back ye

4 Replies

unsure if youd take art for https://toyhou.se/15173510.frankfurter but,,, i can def offer more chibi styled things if ur interested :]c here's a more recent example

i could do 3-4 of em, i can also throw in an animated icon like this in the same simpler style. if not no worries, thanks for looking either way!!

Aaaaa your art is so cool but however I'm still connected to him :'[

its alr!! :]

Helloooo any of the characters on my th catch ur eye for any of these? i can also offer any amount of art(in my art tab)

https://toyhou.se/21744540.johnknee https://toyhou.se/20072880.emanuel https://toyhou.se/24616243.sketti https://toyhou.se/24071688.shrimp https://toyhou.se/21382365.joe

I'll consider this!

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I'll consider this since I like em all :]c

But uhhh how about this guy

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Can you do 2 cheebs and Melvin for him? (Ripley) if that seems fair lmk :'] 

Still consider about the others guys.

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Bet can you draw my silly stupid sonas? 

Sam , Tinkerjink?

7 Replies

would u look at offers on socks and anthony? :0

Yeah I'll take a look then, what ya got?

chars here: https://toyhou.se/Nebbyy/characters/folder:4680484 or here NebbyDotEXE

and i could maybe offer art! 

I can take a look at offer for Ai-Ai and Jacques :]c

Edit : and for brank aswell

I dont remember if you liked anyone in my TH but here's the tags ... and if not then I have USD and arts and stuff!! I'm mostly enjoying doing GIFs rn since animation is kinda more fun than still stuff uhhh and USD wise I just got paid so :333...

Oof didn't see everyone in that link but uhhh can I see the gif animation you mention?

yess I can do all kindsa stuffs

Symmetry icon 1 and symmetry icon 2

Frame by frame

Frame by frame but more simple.. simple fbf 2

and other stuff but I can't dig that deep


I saw this gay >:)

I can offer trades! Basically my entire th is eo rn (Anyone with the "Never" tag is a no go, "Tent" is a maybe depending on the oc lol)

However I did take a look at your design preferences and I have a couple humanoids I think you might like (replying with links)

https://toyhou.se/16573861.silk -not certain on her but figured I'd link anyone lol



just thought I'd send those so you don't have to digging lol

but you still can if you want :>

Omg that guy has already been taken and I forgot to remove him there omg I'm so sorry 😭🙏

Your all good

this bulletin made me remember how much I liker ur art though so >:)

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Hihihi I didn’t see any ocs that catch my eyes plus she's worth around $150+ ;w;

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Would u look at art / trades 4 https://toyhou.se/24616805.oatmeal ?

Yeah sure what ya got?