Posted 4 months, 12 days ago by plain



a CLOSED SPECIES by plain and Boolean


Hi everyone! Welcome to our CS, Scrugglys made by plain and Boolean!

Welcome to our official opening, starting with our FREE MYO EVENT!

Things to note:
1.Our masterlist is run on discord! Hence in order to own a Scruggly you will need to be a member of our discord server.
2.Any clarifications can be done through comments on our TH world page! Please avoid asking questions here to ensure tidiness! ^o^
3. Before joining, please read through our TOS!  


Gaia says:

Do look at our trait sheet here for our traits! They’re super super cute!

1. One FREE MYO per person! Please avoid claiming one for someone else.
2. If you do not fulfil the requirements to claim one, you will be asked to edit your comment!
3.These MYO tickets are NOT transferable in any way. They expire in 4.5 months/ 18 weeks from the date of obtaining.

Q:Where can I find the masterlist/my MYO ticket?
A: You can find them in our discord server. You will be able to submit your design there too^^
Q:Can someone else design my ticket for me?
A: Yes!
Q:Can I transfer my Scruggly once it’s been designed?
A: Yes! However it has to be approved by our admins beforehand. 
    However do take note that we do not allow any transfers of MYO tickets obtained through this event.



1. Join our TH world

2. Share post with bulletin (and comment your bulletin reshare link!)

3. Join our discord server (for masterlist!)

4. Comment the things you did and your discord id!


HOW TO OBTAIN A SPECIAL MYO (overrides Regular MYO entry):

1. Do all things above

2. Fav Angel's and Gaia’s profile

3. Tag 2 friends in the comments!

4.Comment the things you did and your discord id!

EDIT: Hi guys ! Right now we have a raffle for one of our Scrugglys ! Do check it out when you can!





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for regular myo!
joined the world
joined discord; user: timkon
posted bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642699.scruggly-launch-event

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Special MYO!

I joined this world, created a bulletin right here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642645.official-scrugglworld-myo-event

I joined the discord! (Username: BigAlex#8539)

Faved both Angel's and Gaia's profiles

Tags: CamiCato3o PrincessUta

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


Thank you so much!!

I can’t wait to design the character!O(≧∇≦)O

for the special myo! requested to join world joined discord favorited mascots! hellclown.exe epilepsy_vomit lambki https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642682.check-this-super-cute-species-out

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for the special myo :D
joined the world!!
bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642629.cuteness-free-myo-event-waugh
joined discord, my user is wrenni
i faved angel and gaia!! luv them!!
PhantomOpulence PoindexterPines free myo !!

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


for reg myo

joined the world

joined the disc (user/id is veneerism)

posted a bulletin (https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642632.cute-af-species-myo-event-go-check-them-out)

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


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I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


For the special MYO!!

Spamtonix Marileoof you guys won me over UGH I hate you…

Bulletin- https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642616.scruggly-launch

Discord ID- num.nom.nim

Faved Angel and Gaia! They are ADORABLE! This is such a cute CS 😆💙

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


for reg myo
joined world 

joined discord username is wickerbeastinabasket 

bullitin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1640017.scruggly-myo-event

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


for the special myo! :D

1: requested to join th world

2: joined the discord server! username is ssealpupperss ♡

3: shared bulletin!

4: faved gaia and angel!! so cute btw! :,3

5: Sonissa warf InsanelyBlu (srry for tag! if u want a free myo for this rly cute species u can get one! ^^)

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


Oh tysm!!! ^^

for the special MYO !!
1: Requested TH world join!
2: Joined Discord server (USER: carcinogeneticist.69)
3: shared bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642572.cool-myo-event
4: faved Gaia and Angel!!
5: Kote_Of_Arms balmy

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1. joined th world

2. made my bulletin

3. joined the discord and made an intro (my ID is bonsaikittens)

my join is pending atm!

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


CrayolaCrumbz nepawta

i requested to join the th world, faved angel and gaia, joined the server, shared the post with a bulletin ( https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642548.very-awesome-species ), and trying for the special myo

my discord id is averagelinkinparkfan

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1. joined in world 

2. The Bulletin 

3. Joined in discord chokogrimm#9701

4. Faved the mascots! 

5. CastheCorpse & Hackwolfin!

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


joined the world, made a bulletin, joined the disc (via juicebuny), faved angel + gaia!! trying for the special myo ^_^

rengokushotpickle cloversandcinders

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Astarriem lumakyu

I've done everything above including the instructions for special myo! My

discord ID is Piromo_

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642528.scruggly-myo-event

Waiting on TH request

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Did all! X3

Requested to join the TH world

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642530.myo-event-x3

I joined the Discord server! (LullabyCreations

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reqed world, bulletin, joined dc server (user 88piplup)

for special myo: faved both, yunozun jubjub47

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Did all! Requested membership!


Discord ID: Dead-Boi-Atlas#2037



hope its alright to tag you guys ^^;

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joined th world!

shared in bulletin!

joined the discord!
my discord is kitt_5001 !!

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did all for the special myo entry! membership pending https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642486.cs-myo-event-bump
zombieredial HeraldOfHares
discord is zoskas ^_^

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Here’s the bulletin!

faved both of the bbs

In the th world

‘and my discord is hyun3420

msft Fenixzcafe

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did all! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642455.new-species
@EldritchInky Sphagettigremlin
disc is honee_pie__
sorry if this is a repost i dont think my last one went through

done all! @EldritchInky Sphagettigremlin
discord is honee_pie__

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requested membership


my discord is toosunny4rain

favorited both characters and pinging Denotilia Captin_Bean

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Pending toyhouse membership

rareasrarity is my discord

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https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642398.species-myo-event-nm < bulletin + membership rq pending + joined the server :D

my discord user is seebky # 2297 !! these guys are so cute oh my days

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1. Joined!

2. bulletin link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642400.myo-scruggly

3. joined discord (Jumz)

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Requested to join the world, made a bulletin ( https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642395.myo-event-3 ) and I joined the Discord (user is Ashen_Horizon)

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


HIII TYSMM did all for normal here's the bulletin


and for the special upgrade

yes i faved the two mascots !



and my discord id/username is : @/swiitcharuu

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


Thank you!!!! I will!


Made request :33
discord: spidermainia

Faved both Angel n Gaia 
bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642349.cs
faved both mascots! 

Tagging: INVIDOX & seoungstar :3

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 Thank you !! n I will :33

Requesting a Special MYO UwU

Rq to join the world already sent

Bulletin! - https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642341.launching-myo-event-nm

Discord user is pandora_blackstain

cantsw1m Cairina_Creatures Mayb this gets your inteerest uwu (if no, sorry for the tag QwQ)

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did everything + special requirements :D

faved le mascots, i adore Gaia

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642340.adorable-new-closed-species-free-myo-event

frens: Deltaplanet SkipperBunnyRabbit (woohoo ping jumpscare)

Discord ID: kantanyt

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rq to join world sent!!

fishd on Toyhouse

discord user: f15hed

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sent a request to join th world, made a bulletin, joined discord server, faved Angel and Gaia's profiles, tagged 2 friends, and commenting everything I did rn!! Believe this is all completed for the special myo :33



my discord user is snowyowl124 

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642302.new-closed-species-launch-33

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Thank you :DD!!! 

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This user is not visible to guests.

sent req to join world 

bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642282.free-myo-event-nm

joined discord (sprite3933)

faved angel and gaia 

tags: XiaSat0  Paraskq002

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Thank you very much!!

req sent to world, https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642271.myo-event-nm , joined discord (cloudyclouds00 ), faved both profiles , AshalsDream FolkieYote

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req sent to join the world, made a bulletin, joined the discord (POSTAL#0069), n faved both the ocs !

tagging: hosonaga n sunnz !

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Did everything!


My discord user is leoninekelter

@Soatear honee_pie__

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TH req sent


discord id thetrueredleader (nickname is set to Kittycat2045)!

ErrorTheDragon RogueIdea (rogue i feel like this may be up your alley and i dont think i saw your user in the discord sorry for the ping tho!)

edit: OH ALSO I FAVED BOTH OCS afsdhfdksg

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Did everything!! 🐟
- Joined TH world
- Shared https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642237.scruggly-myo-event
- joined discord, realisopod
- faved both ocs
- And tagging CattyTeeth and BeachedSunfish !! ^^

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Submitted a request to join the world! Shared the bulletin HERE !! Also joined the discord, user is txxd. This species is sooo cute wahhh

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did everything!
- requested to join world
- shared : https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642203.myo-event-nm
- joined discord : dollene
- faved angel and gaia
- tagging : ochadot and jugofmilk

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joined both :D my user is YuliyJuli

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Joined the discord (illmaticdoc) + faved mascots + requested to join the world!
mustelas atsugiashi

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woopleele salemstar (i apologize for the pings i dont have many friends in the art community ;w;)


my discord user is jaeslaya !! thank you so much!!

going for the special myo :D :3


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Joined th + discord (hirachima)

Katnissmjy YulliyJuli

Faved both mascost ^^

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requested to join world, faved ocs, joined discord (sodapawpp), TheRealParuParu floopydoopy (sorry for ping if u dont like pings!! ILYY)

special myo yayay

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World req sent + joined discord! (_banagher)


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requested to join the world!

joined the discord, my user is lobootomy

favorited both!

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642058.scruggly-myo-event

isopodic pixcore

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requested to join the world!

joined the discord, my user is the.observer

favorited both cuties!

here's my bulletin

clef ciipher

woohoo special myo

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• world request sent!

• discord joined (cocks_gun/brandishespistols)

• bulletin here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1642045.what-the-scrug

• faved both

• tagging lucifrogg / vashievoidz and leonineKelter !!!!!

(Special MYO pls 🫶)

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join world request sent!

joined discord!! username: lana0933

faved both charas!! and the posted the bulletin

tagging heartmush and drawbunii !!

(wanting the special MYO!!)

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requested world join!!

faved gaia and angel!! (super adorbs designs!!)

retroscribble SleepyBunelia

joined discord !  trixie_stix

(=^ ◡ ^=) special myo ehehe!!

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


requested world join

joined the disc (themedian)


regular myo ^_^

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request world join ^^
joined discord (snocherry_)
fav gaia and angel +bulletin

LunisNox Mirage2020
special myo :)

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ty! :D

Bulletin ☆

Tagging: Daii-Cho Lirnos_ 

Requested world join

Joined discord!! (D3mxn#7663)

Faved both characters 

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bulletin here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641902.scruggly-myo-event-entry

requested world join!

discord: shofra

joined discord

(regular app)

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for reg myo!

  1. Joined TH world
  2. Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641903.scrungly-myo-event
  3. Joined Discord server
  4. Discord ID: dellabeat

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did all! bulletin + sent th world req & joined discord (gloomeykat#3879)

+ tagging: beeaneeboys AntlerSap   happy new year 

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Requested to join the world, faved both mascots and tagging my friends KrissySempaiArt BluestBerry

Discord username: gimikiss

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641896.online-entities-and-plushies

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Did all!!

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641893.skrunkly-myo-event

requested join world!

discord: _softy

faved both of them

tagging: SpacedAndConfused noktacyn

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my bulletin + requested to join world + discord is KittyBong#2028 + faved both + peach-boba klowdy (hope the pings r ok!!)

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Did all!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641874.littol-cs-cretures

Requested to join world!

Joined Discord (Mopixis)!

Faved charas!

Hi friends :D Puppv Theseus_Sky_Palace

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I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


- requested to join world

- bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641872.scruggly-world-myo-event

- joined discord (tsukichubun)

- fav both characters

- tag 2 friends (Arashi-Penguin Alxai)

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https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641847.scruggly-species-myo-event , requested to join world, discord is reibeyondtheheart , faved both, meecespuffs and Megumi_Cham :3

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https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641829.look-at-em Bulletin! And have requested to join le world :3 light-years-away + audientmachine // discord : moonscorch3d // also faved all little fellas

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discord : calicoo requested world bulletin : https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641821.scugglyiesasdasd pings : eirin_akagami and Somekindofras

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did everything for special myo!!

requested to join the world, my bulletin + disc is 2bdmnd

tags >> brick0wski + R4TCADE [hope its alright i tagged u!!]

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Claiming a myo!!

I joined Discord - Jamkoiw 

I joined the world!

Bulletin! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641808.myo-event

I favorited the characters!

And tag two friends;

Toyb0x & Lovestick

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requesting special MYO ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪



my discord id:


611294690762817546 (actual user id if that’s what’s you needed)

2 friends:

voice gratagagian hehe sorry guys

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Hello! Claiming special MYO !

joined the world, favorited the two adorable characters, joined discord - katvizionz#9452

made bulletin - https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641785.species-myo-event

2 friends - SparksTea Pellinor

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


I love you and I miss you and I hope you're doing well xx

aww love you and miss you too! i hope you are doing well too <3

Requesting a regular Myo!

Pending on the world TH and joined the discord server as Lizally ^^

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641773.new-cute-species

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speical myo!!

disc is kallyicio

Casus k0ff33

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claiming regular myo!!

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641772.scruggly-myo-event

discord user: toji toji toji (marcoadrianos) + pending on world join, ty!!

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Requesting a special Myo!

Pending on the world TH, Joined to the discord server as AroaKeyna! And I fav the mascots too ♡ 

Tagging Coca Pandora_BlackStain if you're interested :333 (Also thanks to DustClover for tagging me!!!)

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For a special! Bulletin and 2 pings https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641751.hi-yall Discord pumkin_gairt

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Hi, im sorry I forgot to say it in the comment but I also faved angel and gaia’s profiles for the special

This user's account has been closed.

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Did everything for the special myo!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641696.scrugglys-myo
Discord Id: Clamie-Ty
Tag: mawile94 Eieio (hope you guys are still ok with being pinged, and ty ToT)

Also joined world and faved both characters!

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Request for a special myo :)

My world join is pending, discord name is kingoffakes. Bulletin Link, and faving your mascots now !

GooberMobile and gummystraws will probably like these as well tehehe 

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Bulleting board: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641695.scruggly-myo-event

Sent a join request to TH World and joined the discord
Faved both characters!

softobunny (espero que no te moleste, siento que te gustaria la especie :D) Gen_drawz 

My discord is jiloop whoops I forgot

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Did all for special myo!


Discord is Ratshins! 

Eldwyrmy Pechu_u I thought you guys would like these!

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Joined the World!
Made a Bulletin! HERE!
Joined the Server!
Faved the two cuties!
Exhoedia Silveefire

I think that's everything ^^

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


Thank you so much!! ^^

for special myo:

joined discord + id: Millenniumcrow

bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641673.scruggly-event-thank-u-for-tags-lol

faved both characters

joined world

tags: Lyonov necr0clancy (if yall are interested!! these are very cute :D )

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Sent a req to join the CS world
Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641674.cs-openning
Tagging: QuynhChi Vitek
Discord tag: 202yuri_
Faved both mascots

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for special myo:

joined discord

reqed to join world 

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641668.scrugglworld-myo-event-free-not-clickbait

faved characters

tagging: hadesaligned and xivthsword because they asked me to and heartbang because I wanted to 

discord: rainclowns

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Requested to join the TH world, shared a bulletin here, In the process of joining the discord [My ID is Endd_], and I faved the 2 listed !
Mudsadoptshop and Valpupuccino I reckon you two would be most interested in this :]

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Did all for the Special MYO:

Joined Discord

Requested for Join World

Fav both characters :3

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641635.free-myo-event-of-a-new-species-3

Discord Id: Kimimari

Tagging chocostar and MELL because they are awesome 

Thats it! :D 

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did everything for special myo !!

id: akita17

APublicGarden Aiphire

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Bulliten: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641650.scrugglyworld-myo-event

Sent a TH world request and joined the discord! (User is GenJamJax)

Favved both characters!

Tags (hope u two don't mind tehe): uqern jiloop

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did all for regular myo !!

joined discord server and th world

bulletin ; https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641614.myo-event

discord id ; aurorapyrrhic

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:o tyy !!

sent rq to join world & joined discord! un is alisaie. (the period is included)
tagging Lana0933 and subconforest
both chars faved!
bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641607.scruggly-launch-myo-event

i think that's everything for a special myo! thank you!!! hehe

I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)


Really cute specie omg TT so impatient to make one!

For Special Myo:

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1641598.myo-event-ding-ding-ding

Discord Id: aury_draw

Joined discord and group!

Tags: WolfInBox Aroa-Keyna (Aroa please make one with us 😭)

Faved both of the sillies!



I'm here to deliver your Masterlist link~ Here's your link! Please keep it safe :)
