CkOmGbj.gifin celebration of my 21st birthday (on jan 8th!) i've decided to do a contest to recolor my main fursona, quinn!dq8Agj1.gif

entries open today and end on january 20th. winner will receive the choice of either a gacha custom or a fullbody.


1. be subscribed to me

2. download the line art from this link

3. color however you see fit! the only requirements are that his body must be any shade of green. hair, markings, and whatever else are totally up to you! though, obvious inspiration by his current design is preferred

(line art can be modified however you see fit!)

when finished, please comment a direct link to your finished piece and you will be entered. the winner will be decided on january 23rd and will have their coloration used in quinn's new designBDqzpqp.gif



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yes, lineart can be modified ^_^

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woooahh i love all of the colors!!! thank you so much for entering!

re-commenting bc the image came out big as fuck before my bad 🙈


AMAZINGGGGG I LOVE ALL OF THE PATTERNS! thank you so much for entering!




these colors are so yummy.. thank you for entering!

this was super fun to do! had a bunch of color drafts lol but i ended up going with this :J good luck to everyone entering!!


ahhh so cute!!! thank you for entering!

i had a lot of fun with this!!! i was inspired by amekaji fashion ^__^☆


my fav so far :DD

this one is amazing! thank you for entering!

i tried, not very good sorryUntitled381_20240102164352.png?ex=65a6f8

love the rainbow hair. thank you for entering!

omg how fun :3 would love to try at this



the alternating colors for his arms/legs is so awesome! thank you for entering

ahh for some reason the link on this one isnt working anymore!

Oh no!! I’ll get a new one once I’m home from school:) 

alright here's my attempt!
tried to use the coloring of a real veiled chameleons and the rainbow hair as an homage to the og!

sooo cute omfg!!

thank you!

Omfg doing this later…

banana sweater:)


so cute! i love the pink/yellow, makes him feel like a strawberry banana smoothie! thank you for entering :D

i think i made him too like emo/scene... sorry my taste always shinez thru with theze kinda thingz   waz fun 2 do tho so thankz u for da opportunity :o33

here it izzz ---->


this is sickk.. thank you for entering!


i love colouring things… so this was so much fun.. TYSM FOR THE OPPORTUNITY 

aww these pastels are soo cute. thanks for entering!

thank you :D

I'm gonna enter!!! this is exciting!!! do I post a new comment or edit this one when I'm done with it? 

post a new one so i can see it

Oooo I’ll try my hand in this! I always loved the general uniqueness of Quinn :3

ooo this looks like fun! also just a question, is there any particular aesthetic you're looking for or not?

quinn is heavily based on veiled chameleons and tropical touristy culture, so ideally that'd go into his design

alright thanks for letting me know!