Get to know me meme!

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by Rinonelle

Haru tagged me! xoxo

Online handle(s): Akesari, Milodyc
How'd you pick your name?: Milodyc is my old one and dates back to too long ago, came from Melody + Milotic (My first pokemon OC trainer name and my at the time favorite pokemon), Akesari I was looking up baby names for OCs and it came up on a Hawaiian list but with no definition/meaning and I liked how it sounds and it was visually apealing to me
Nickname(s): Ake, Sari
Age, DOB and Star sign:  as old as xmits, Jan 24th, Aquarius 
Height: between 5'1" and 5'3" depending on whom you ask.
Place of Residence: Montreal
What are you wearing right now:  marvel pjs (bam! shorts and I have superpowers tanktop)
Pets? (how many? What's their names? What kind?): kitty that lives with mom, his name is QT, i havent seen him in 2 years and i cry
Favourite color: golden orange, purple
Favourite animal: JELLYFISH, bats, armadillos
Last song listened to: I don't remember, it was a song on Touch that me and mits danced to
Last Movie/Show Watched: Agents of Shield season 1 Ep 13, helping bf catch up cause he hasn't seen any of it how dare he
Do you drink or smoke: Nope, neither.
Do you play an instrument: I used to know the recorder and accoustic guitar cause they were mandatory in school (primary/secondary) but I never kept up with it.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: my ears are pierced but i haven't worn earings in a while, the holes are probably closed by now. I want a tattoo but im a wimp.
What are your hobbies?: drawing, puzzle solving (anything over 1000 pieces or its not worth the time), reading, listening to music
Are you in a relationship?: Yas and happy
Anything else?: WEH

Tag:I dunno who hasn't done this yet, so if you see it and you havent done it and feel like doing it, you are tagged! xoxo


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