
I don't know if it would help, but you could try keeping some kind of pinned response/Q&A document. These people seem to bring up the same incidents over and over again, many of them from years ago. I've seen other people who were called out make these kinds of posts addressing, apologizing, and explaining the common points people bring up against them and eventually things blew over. You could just link back to it whenever people bring up the same crap that you've already addressed or add to it as needed. It could also potentially address frequent lies people spread about you. Idk, the whole situation sucks majorly, and it's hard to diffinitevly say what would help. I wish you the best of luck.

To be completely honest, these people won't stop until you're entire internet presence is removed (or even more extreme for the really iritatingly loud minority). They want nothing more than to see you burn, and seeing you still exist makes them irate beyond any mentally or emotionally healthy degree. I wouldn't put much stock in them because it's always the same mud that they try to drag you through, as they don't have any real fuel to use against you.

Ugh, I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you =( I wish people didn't get harrased just for fictional stuff. 

People are trying to guilt and shame you into their perspective instead of actually engaging with you to find a solution that works for all parties and ACTUALLY keeps everyone safe. They don't care about victims outside of themselves, because any victim who doesn't agree with them is just bad and wrong. It's fucked and like another person here said, it's the exhaust you into complying method.

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I can't read anything they're saying so I guess I don't have to worry too much about it??? Just so confused 

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I’ll be honest just don’t focus on them, block and remove them from your sight and hope they do the same (please, anties that may see my comment please block me I beg you, I don’t wanna see you and have you endanger my friends that are coping with their pain) 

don’t let them get to you and don’t give them that attention, I know it’s hard hav someone you cared about suddenly turn, take it as a sign they weren’t a fr to start and make new ones. They aren’t with your time or your stress. 

I wish that was enough, it's not though

This is how a lot of rightwing and rightwing-adjacent folk, including "antis," bully people. They drag you into what they frame as a good-faith debate and then spit misinformation in your face without listening to you at all. The goal isn't to change your mind, it's to exhaust you until they convince you to delete your posts/messages/social media. These types of people suck and I'm sorry they're still bothering you.

I see, this makes the arguments a little easier to understand since I grew up in right wing household's...

i just literally don't understand what is going on, i'm so confused