Big sale, good deals

Posted 5 months, 15 days ago by Milo-DiVachi

Help Needed 

Sale . Offers . Haggle

Ok so I’m going to be busting my butt to save my bestie from being homeless, so my first sale in and there are some big wigs in the mix so please check through the list 

please feel free to offer on those without a number put to them, every dollar counts, as for the ones with a cost marker on them that’s what I would like to get for them, I did pay for them and some have a massive amount of art that goes with them as well as the fact I like them.

All cost done in USD

leave me a PM any time and I will reply



Hope things get better soon!

Saw a couple I rather liked! How much for these three? :)

$25 for the lot if your interested

Are you interested in them still?

Yes! Sorry, life's been super crazy lately... What's your PayPal?

*bangs head on the table* I am so sorry I never got back to you on this... Life kinda blew up in my face, and went to hell in a handbasket. Are all three still available? If they are, I can send the $25 and a little extra for the delay asap.

Yes they are still there on hold