Posted 5 months, 10 days ago by Psychofright

I woke up this morning to find my bank account in the negative, -$120 to be exact. Unfortunately my electric bill went through much later than it was scheduled and I don’t get paid until tomorrow, but I’m worried about overdraft fees because they’re about $35 each. So I’m urgently selling my ocs in hopes I can make that money back before the charge finalizes and I get charged for overdraft.

Almost everyone is available. Just shoot me an offer on who you’re interested in. Please don’t lowball. Some of the ocs in primary are still forever homed and/or I can’t sell due to creator rights. Just ask if you’re interested in a particular character.

I also have headshot commissions open for $15 right now if there’s no one who interests you but you’d still like to help out! Dm me if you have any questions!


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