raffle winners + next raffle!

Posted 4 months, 28 days ago by cirsiumthistle

next raffle?

3 Votes character raffle (anthro)
1 Votes character raffle (pony)
2 Votes character raffle (feral)
3 Votes art/custom raffle
5 Votes a character raffle w/ a art/custom option

raffle winners are numbers 39 (Solus5) and 364 (CreatureFeatureClub)

raffle winners can either respond to the bulletin or message me about their prize! for the halfbody please include the details of what character you'd like done, plus any preference on expression, pose, background, ect., for the custom please include all the information on the form found here

and poll for the next raffle in february! let me know if there's certain themes or species or anything you'd like to see!!


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