happy birthday to me!

Posted 5 months, 15 hours ago by schizophrenia

tomorrow is my birthday! (jan 7th~!) i will say im genuinely very happy about my progress in terms of art these last ten years. im turning 20~

if i could only flex on ten year old me with my characters, art, designs, etc. LOL

regardless, heres to another year of me ~ and thanks for all the private mssgs from some people wishing me a great birthday! hopefully i can share more stories too!

augh im drunk and celebratory. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I WANTED TO TYPE SUMN MORE but ive been busy as hell this whole week dndndb– but happy bday, id say i hope you celebrate well but it sounds like you already have ^^

AWW TY!! i really appreciate it !!!!

happy birthday Apple!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

wait i'm dumb its tomorrow. happy early birthday lol.

AHH Ty still regardless its the thought that counts X3