
Posted 5 months, 18 days ago by TheUndeadFox

I changed my username a bit! Please use TheUndeadFox when crediting me as the artist for art I make for you!!!!

(no longer looks like an xbox gamer tag nfjkhfrhrgbh) 


I'm not going to lie to you, when I saw this I was like "what's the difference it's still TheUndeadFox" then I had to do a double take because the underscore and numbers were gone. 

I MEAN technically...

Yeah no there's no excuse here lol


Yeah I’m happy with keeping my name the same, I wouldn’t really wanna change it up dramatically either since people changing their user to a complete different name has tripped me up in the past 

(…not to add the numbers were making me cringe too shsjs)

underscore era no more


I'm   "mature"    now (not really)