owed art list [trello]

Posted 4 months, 23 days ago by delmar

hellooo! managed to get my queue down a bit but still have some left to finish up, I've been extra busy for a while with hometown friends visiting me and showing them around the city has taken up most of my time causing me to finish art slowER than I usually do, sooo

I made a Trello board to keep myself organized, and also so anyone I owe art to can check how it's going there!

some art in the coloring section I have completed and just need to upload or send when I have a chance, and some art I haven't been able to start bc I haven't been home much but I'll get to finishing everything as soon as I can 🫶 thanks for ur patience, and if anyone would like an update on their art i'm totally ok with people asking on here or on discord :)


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