Made an Adopts TOS

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by moved-to-whitetulipz

Due to recent events, I made a Terms of Service for my Adopts! I thought i'd make a bulletin for it since I think some people who own my designs also follow me. 

I'm not going to retroactively put the TOS on adopts/freebies i've already uploaded, but they will be on all future adopts, and i'd appreciate if you'd read over it and try to follow the rules if you do already own one of my designs! 

I do admittedly feel a bit nervous about posting this, especially since I had to put a blacklist and stuff into it, but i'm willing to take advice onto how to improve it! That's all I guess!


My only advice would be to make the blacklist private (public blacklists imo just make me feel a bit iffy). Other than that, the rules are very reasonable and easy to follow!