damn, son

Posted 5 months, 9 days ago by cumuluscrow

i just realised how absolutely absent i've been from online spaces & creatively lacking recently :( miss the old days where we all hung out on discord and drew and talked about blorbos and shit, that was great

what am i doing nowadays? literally don't even know, i guess i'm just working a lot? i never seem to have spare time for anything but it's not like i even work full-time or something, puzzles me how other people can manage their time like fucking magicians i miss art so damn much, i want to draw, i want to make stupid comics with my ocs and talk about them and not worry about it sounding like a load of crap, i used to write entire stories and they're still in my head just as much but

aaaa need to create need to make thing


shaking your hand and hugging you in solidarity!!!!! I'm not even busy but I somehow lost the ability to stay active on discord and I keep disappearing from every social media (well. except tumblr because there's not much socializing involved there) for days and days by accident..... I miss being chatty and I would love to hear you talk about your ocs again if you ever do!! (and pls tag me whenever and wherever you do!)

youni you're gonna make me cry you're an absolute sweetheart ;-; i will certainly keep that in mind & it's genuinely so nice to hear from you! i'm sure the chatty days will come again, love ya man