entertaining offers on all OCs!

Posted 3 months, 23 days ago by sunnieeflower


entertaining offers on all these OCs! you must be logged in to see my OCs

OCs off limits: calliope, forget me not, comet tail

ursa major, ursa minor, and orion must go together as i bought them as a pack for $50!!

comment below with a link to the OC if interested!


Hi!! I'm super interested in Cottage Grove! I'd be willing to do $20, possibly a bit more or something else if you'd prefer? Trades are here.

I just realized this blog is from two months ago!! I understand if you're not looking to sell <3

i just got cottage grove and am not ready to part with her just yet!! i can ping you if i ever decide to sell her though? :0

Not a problem at all!! Sorry about misreading the bulletin date! I would love that!! Tysm <3

Hey, I messaged you like a year ago about beetlejuice, are you willing to sell him now ?

no sorry, i’ll send you a DM if he’s ever up for sale!

is tamago and/or sunset sway ufo :o

i could part w/ tamago but not w/ sunset sway!

what would u want for tamago :o im ok with trades/art/possible payment plan !!

how long would it take for a $40 payment? :0

$40 total ?


1 Replies

How much are you LF for her?? i can pay full upfront on thursday!


apologies for the late reply, i got called into work early this morning! she’s worth $135, so ideally that!

I can do that!! :] 

okay awesome!! reply to this comment on thursday when you have the funds!

Have the funds!! :]

sent you a message!

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apologies for the late reply, i got called into work early this morning! could you send the OCs and examples of your art?

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OCs you can link here, art you can shoot over insta!! my username is sunnieeflower

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Hi! I’m interested in 


I can offer trades if you’re interested in any of mine! If not I could do $25! 

apologies for the late reply, i got called into work early this morning! i have someone else also interested in her, if they drop, i’ll let you know!!

That would be lovely! Thank you!


I can do art or ocs for her!

apologies for the late reply, i got called into work early this morning! what OCs are up for offers?

Anyone in my adoptables folder

i didn't see anyone in the adoptables folder, sorry! if you ever take offers on this gal though, let me know!! : https://toyhou.se/12276201.vintage-star

I’m interested in confectionery sugar and milk n cookies, I can do $20 for sugar right now but how much would you be interested in for the second oc?

I up my offer of sugar to $30!

apologies for the late reply, i got called into work early this morning! i’ll take $20 for confectionery sugar! i can ping you if i decide to sell milk n cookies!!

no worries at all! Sounds great, what’s your preferred payment method? I can do Cashapp, Venmo or PayPal!

whatever of those three work for you, i have all! shoot me a message on here!

Were you considering selling your half of this girl at all https://toyhou.se/17285391.ellie 

If not thats totally okay

no, i’m not interested in selling my half, i’ll let you know if i ever am!

I would love to offer for Mourning Dove! https://toyhou.se/23923578.morning-dove#72200146

sure! she's $10, paypal/venmo/cashapp, but i could also look at art/OCs for her

I can pay the 10 on PayPal! 

awesome, i'll shoot you a DM!