im thinking

Posted 5 months, 4 days ago by acoraxia

so i'm not really that attached to these two designs anymore, i hardly ever use them anymore and it feels weird keeping them around when i could remake them entirely

don't know if i want to sell them (10$ each) or just give them away though so. hm.



I absolutely ADORE the second one sm 🙏🙏 it’s completely up to you what you would do with them but they are super cool designs!! I feel like they may do good if you wanted to sell them!  

NEKDNSKS AAA THANK YOU!!! They were my favorite designs back when I first started designing OCs..i’m glad you liked them heck. I’ll decide later today whether to sell them or just have them as freebies

i can definitely see why they would be a favourite!! they are super super good for being some of the first ocs you’ve designed <33 and if you want, could you please let me know what you decide to do with them? :]  I would love to know 💙 

ncjds man thank you sm!!! And, I decided to put them up for sale. They're right here and here.