
Posted 4 months, 27 days ago by HainfulCupid

if you’re gonna cancel holds on adopts with me please i much rather prefer you telling me 😭 instead of deleting comments or waiting for time to pass. so i can put the character back on the market asap


YEAG THIS IS WHY UHHH..people generally dont accept holds unless its a repeat customer whos purchased before... the way people offer and then ghost sucks really bad

DUDE I WAS SO MADD 😭😭 im keeping this in mind for the future becus it’s genuinely infuriating 

YEAH I'D CONSIDER LIKE. ADDING A CLAUSE TO YOUR TOS / POSTS JUST IN GENERAL THAT IF YOU DELETE THE OFFER / GHOST YOU WILL BE BLOCKED OR BARRED FROM FUTURE SALES... or just not accepting holds from randos bc apparently people can't just say "hi something came up i cant pay for this i need to back out". Hope people stop tho wtf