Public Blocklist

Posted 4 months, 8 days ago by Cl0wn1ng_Ar0un4


These people have either made me uncomfortable, or were disrespectful/aggressive - Trying to trade off stolen characters/claiming them as their own. Beware: -I’d attempted to give back a non-transferable character that would otherwise rot in a folder. Proceeded to get mad because I “should’ve read their TOS” that was not in ownership, or in linked to their Toyhouse, instead on Amino. Claims they “Don’t take back characters”, yet asked me to ask their friend, who does not have ownership of the character, to return it to them. Overly rude for no apparent reason, refused to actually explain to me in a nice/proper manner, instead “I’m very hurt” “You’re not allowed to get mystery characters from me” Over and over. The character in question was a gift, and to view TOS would have had to be bought, yet apparently it’s my fault the original owner didn’t tell me the TOS. Contradicted every point they attempted to make, left me without coherency. Attempted to sell FTU filled, miscredited bases for profit.
Will not be unblocked.

Nobody else, pls keep it dat way :(


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