Hi there! I'm twelve days late into the new year of HI HIHIHIHI

Anyways, things are going decent recently. There are plenty of things I'm actively trying to change in my life IRL. I took a week off so that I can get a break of work, since it drains me enough to keep me from being online, lol
> Been applying for nursing programs in my city. So far, no acceptances. I got this whole year to apply and get accepted into AT LEAST one of the community college programs. After that... well, I guess I'll just go drown in student debt and go to a private college LMAO.
> Once my boyfriend moves in with me next month (YIPPEE!!!) I'm gonna start getting into the process of working out, and eating healthy. Be cool, look cool, y'know?
> I might be pushing it because they're expensive... but maybe get my first tattoo??? I'm baby though so it's prob gonna be after I get my RN license to get it efhkfdsj--


> Been going back working on Prodigal stuff yet again. Because I took a week off from work and my plans for a trip was canceled, I took some time to organize a little more. Just little by little.
> Continuing that, it's only my own personal story of the Prodigal. Meaning, it's all old generation stuff that I have to piece together. I gotta revisit old profiles that I've made a WHILE back, tweak them to fit the new characters that I've uploaded. And I've got more to come too! hhhhhh------
> I've seen a couple of people joining my [Prodigal World] lately, but want to let people know that I've kept it on pause for a bit. I realized there's a lot of organization that still needs to be done there, which possibly might have influenced me to backtrack a little? But people are still free to join if you're curious! I'm very happy that there were one or two people that I've piqued their interest and were compelled enough to join. ;///; People are free to use the lore information that is currently there for now if members are so compelled to design their own Prodigal character!

> I think I may be ready to open up again with making head canons and ships with some of my OCs that are available. Once I start settling down with the Prodigal, or made future plans that are drawn out, I'll make a separate post then!

REGARDING Adopts and art:

Maybe I've mentioned it before, but because I have a steady income, I rarely have the drive or feel compelled to draw nowadays. Maybe just for fun I will or just for references for my own OCs.

If people are expecting that I'll be making adopts soon or open commissions, please don't keep your hopes up. :(
Maybe I will, but the occasion will be rare when you see a new adopt that I've opened up. Artwise, sometimes I'll be compelled to post a bulletin to do a headshot or two when I'm bored.
I apologize to those who follow me for my art. I don't prioritize my art as much as my characters. I'm online practically everyday to see activities and read bulletins, but I'm not interested in making designs to sell or opening commissions. Unless desperate for money, I'll gladly open up a bulletin for it. :C


Hope all goes well!

I've been wanting to join your Prodigal world for a while but didn't feel I had a char that fit...then I found the baaaby recently. XD  Excited to see how things progress on it!

Take care of yourself!     

Don’t give up. I was rejected from every MD/DO medical school I applied to the first time around. Went to a 1 year Masters program and reapplied. Was able to graduate, go back to working in the ER for the summer then start med school in the fall. If nursing is what you really want to do, go for it. There’s still an intense need out there 😊

If nursing doesn’t end up being for you and you find something you know you’ll love, then that’s great too! Hope you get that tattoo you really want!