Expect i’m writing this at 2am and with three braincells and probably sounds cooler in my mind

Mochi pulls a Madoka- Ngl this is pretty self explanatory, Mochi basically becomes a god. Since in this idea Nightmare is well not redeemed and is now dead 💀💀 (rip) No one is there to take a the of god of dreams or nightmares, so Mochi takes that role and yknow becomes, the god of dreams and nightmares. yeah idk

Mochi pulls a cloudii- mochi becomes evil, idk it was a random thought, probably won’t happen cause this is Mochi. Mochi is a bean and probably wouldn’t hurt a fly

Everyone forgets everything- mmmm So in a nutshell, the gods made everyone forget what happened and about them, yeah… they no longer exist 😔😔🥲🥲 

Void area thingy- So this one is interesting but when Nightmare is defeated instead of idk being banished, he got just dragged in a dark void by those he killed and yknow Mochi being Mochi got dragged in as well. Anywho Cloudii dies and Mochi is stuck in this area. The water is kinda like sludge, black sludge like a void-ish. also there is this creature that will kill anything that moves, so Mochi has to escape. Mochi gets help from his family cause plot armor ✨✨ and is told to make a run for the opening cause it’ll close and he’ll be permanently there. Mochi makes a run but the sludge creatures being to go after him, he manages to escape and yeah that’s all i got =w=

Cloudii is redeemed but works at a walmart- this.. ummm he gets his magic completely taken way, he’s still immortal but umm he’s just magic-less and works at a walmart or a fast food place. This idea doesn’t make sense in terms of how many crimes Cloudii has committed 💀💀 

idk mochi almost dies but plot armor- ANYWHO Angel dies, Chicken almost dies and Mochi gets yeeted out the building (mind you the window had to be broken and the building is umm really tall🏙️) i forgot the rest but idk think Mochi does the banishing spell and bye bye cloudii or something like that

Mochi fulls a pacifist ending or idk- Mochi gives Cloudii a second chance or something like that💀💀 anywho Cloudii still gets banished cause it’s Cloudii, my man committed a bunch of crimes, he also isn’t redeemable 

IDK these are mainly idea i thought of randomly, Dreams ending is never gonna happen cause AAAAA idk how to end the story right✨✨✨ also still stuck writing after the prologue cause idk start, middle and ending is confusing rn 😔😔😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠🫠


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