cringe is alive and breathing well actually and if you're pro israel or even neutral after everything that's happened you're cringe and i grimace at u and never want to talk to u again btw just thought id let u all personally know. yea 10,000 children dead is extremely unnecessary and makes my blood boil and if you even mention to me that ooh its more complicated than that or oooh they're in a war ill eat ur arm tbh (hyperbole)

BDS boycott list (boycott what you can and get community for what you can't or ur cringe):

they also have a cool boycott app on (i think) apple and android called No Thanks, you type the name of what you're about to stick in your cart at the grocery store or appliance store or target or whatever and it will let you know if it's been deemed officially Cringe! It even has websites. This app is constantly updating too and you can suggest things that should be added to the boycott list. Man, i love technology

if you want to have a kufiya (keffiyeh) i recommend this website, they sell from the only Palestinian factory. they are mega sold out though and im not sure when theyll restock, im waiting for them to restock for when i get mine fr:

also for anyone that's succumbed to american propaganda no it is not antisemetic to say erm maybe you shouldnt commit mass murder of people you have completely isolated from the rest of the world, deprived of food, deprived of water, and deprived of land. the will of the government (israel) doesn't follow the will of it's people and frankly to think that israel is/should be the only safe space for jewish people is kinda asinine. jewish people should be safe everywhere. there shouldn't be this crazy political power getting actively funded to create an ethnostate that's incredibly sus and if u follow that thought process you are also hereby legally deemed sus.



um enjoy my long winded rant and free free palestine
