Another Update for Strem

Posted 4 months, 8 days ago by Nymphrasis

Ok I changed the Kirbo to the gremlin Nymph ( Made by Mewshine. I am comming her to do the colored version and do other doodles of gremlin Nymph for other alerts <3 )

I was told that it could be copyrighted ( I need to change the Kirby sounds as well from the alerts :[. I really don't want to be busted for using a short 11 seconds of sounds. I'd rather be safe than sorry. But it sucks because I love those sounds ;-; . Gotta search for free use sounds now. Hopefully I can find some fitting ones qwq. I am open to suggestions. I am just seeking for galaxy / shooting stars stuff )

I am aware that a few alerts may not show up right away, in terms of stuff like bits donations qwq. Because I know I need to be an affiliate first to have those be working.

I also have decided to not do formats, as I don't want to make the game seem smaller qwq. 
I might change my mind in the future, maybe. But for now, I'll keep it this way qwq

Ps. Maybe I might increase the size of the alerts a bit more? Not sure yet. I did made sure that it is perfectly in the middle, because yes qwq


Pixabay is a site with royalty free (non-copyrighted) sound effects! The link I sent is for "twinkle" sounds because I feel like that miiight fit a Galaxy theme (Though, I haven't really gone through them all that much, either)

I'm a big fan of this one for an alert sound, personally.

Thank you so much for the help, as that means a lot QWQ!

I did end up using that twinkle sound you've showed for when someone follows <3