PLz stop :(

Posted 5 months, 10 days ago by TheUndeadFox

It's getting to the point that its really obnoxious now, so yeah Ima post this here nowww

(This doesn't apply to anyone following me btw so ignore this if ya want uwu)

If I faved a character of yours and the character was not an adopt, EO, raffle, whatever, I'm not interested in buying or offering on them. I keep getting pinged in these list/comments when a character is being put up for offers just because I faved them and it's really getting annoying so doing this from now on will result in an immediate block. 


If you want, you can have something like "hey don't ping me if I faved a character" in your profile bio or warnings (if you use those maybe? I know some people have them turned off though.)

Not sure if this helps or not. I hope it stops because it sounds annoying.

Yeah I’m gonna add it to my profile😔

fr like just because I favorited them doesn’t mean I want to buy them. I probably just thought the design looked cool

EXACTLY THANK YOU! I just like the character bruh, doesn't mean I want them TwT