Commission T.O.S.

Posted 4 months, 27 days ago by zombiegf

Commission Terms of Service (TOS)

  1. Payment Terms:
    • Payment for commissioned artworks is expected to be made upfront in full, or alternatively, clients may choose a half-now, half-later payment structure. For the half-now, half-later option, the initial payment is due before work commences, and the remaining balance is to be paid upon completion and prior to the delivery of the final artwork.
  2. Revision Policy:
    • I offer free revisions for commissioned artworks. Clients are entitled to request reasonable adjustments to ensure their satisfaction with the final result. Revisions are subject to reasonable and clear communication.
  3. Commercial Use Fee:
    • Commercial use of commissioned artworks is allowed for a fee of $50. This fee grants clients the right to use the artwork for commercial purposes, including but not limited to advertising, merchandise, and promotional materials.
  4. Restriction on AI Use:
    • The commissioned artwork is strictly forbidden to be used in any artificial intelligence (AI) applications or technologies. This includes but is not limited to training AI models, integration into AI platforms, or any other AI-related activities.
  5. No Tracing:
    • Tracing of the commissioned artwork is expressly prohibited. Clients are not allowed to create derivative works by directly tracing or reproducing the artwork in any form.
  6. Copyright Rules:
    • Clients are granted a non-exclusive license to use the commissioned artwork for personal, non-commercial purposes, unless a commercial use fee is paid.
    • Zombiegf reserves the right to showcase the commissioned artwork in their portfolio, website, or other promotional materials.
    • Unauthorized distribution, reproduction, or resale of the commissioned artwork is strictly prohibited.
  7. Character Ownership:
    • Clients who commission character designs have full ownership of the characters created for them. They have the right to use, modify, and depict their characters as they see fit, including for personal and commercial purposes.
  8. Responsibility for Usage:
    • Clients agree not to use the commissioned character designs to depict illegal acts or participate in proshipping (promotion of inappropriate relationships). Zombiegf, the artist, reserves the right to revoke ownership of the character if such usage is identified.
  9. Timeline and Updates:
    • Commissioned artworks may take up to one month to complete. However, clients will be provided with Work in Progress (WIP) images and updates upon request to ensure transparency and collaboration throughout the process.
  10. General Terms:
    • Both the client and zombiegf agree to communicate respectfully and professionally throughout the commission process.
    • In the event of any disputes, both parties will make reasonable efforts to reach an amicable resolution.

By commissioning artwork, clients acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms. Zombiegf reserves the right to modify or update these terms as necessary.


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