guys .

Posted 4 months, 5 hours ago by  Chilo BeanyBabee

ive always had like in the back of my mind these designs from chilo's past eras such as when rava was alive, his formal wear, what he wore when he explored with agnes, and so on ..... but i never had like any sort of design idea for present chilo and im wondering what everyone else always thought he dressed in. i know what im going for as im making myself an outfit reference for him right now, but i want everyone else's opinions on what they always thought about his fashion sense or wtv !!!

i almost never post on th anymore unless about cs so this is actually like really important to me if you see this ... i would really appreciate any answers, even from people who havent known of him or been friends with me long enough to hear me go on full ass rants abt him LOLLL


To be honest I always think of Chilo as someone who would wear really casual, comfortable clothing a lot you know? He does look good in his suit too though... for some reason I imagine him with more of a cottage-core type of fashion. I'm not sure why exactly, he just tends to give me those vibes. :0 

I know this was a day or so ago but hope this helps somewhat!!

Also maybe a bit of visual reference might help, I found a good pinterest board that kinda shows what I mean :0 

ahh, i get that honestly !!! i think his categories (he has multiple outfits) however could fit more into dark academia and streetwear :0 

thanks for the comment, i do appreciate it and it did help when i tried to remember what dark academia was called lollll

Ahh okay! :0 I can totally see dark academia & streetwear as his fashion sense. I'm just a bit more familiar with cottagecore as a concept so I thought of that first for the vibe I was getting. ^^

Of course!! I'm glad I was able to help somewhat hahah

I get that, my brain always goes to alt fashion when designing ocs just because that's how I dress but then i remember that not everyone dresses that way LOLLL 

Haha yes exactly!! I feel you there 🤝