Credit Reminder!

Posted 3 months, 15 days ago by wooloo

Hi all!

Wanted to pop in and quickly remind everyone to please credit this account, and only this account, wooloo for bases!
I've occasionally had to replace some credits where they linked to my main account, which is no biggie since I figure some people forget, but I do it this way because these are base edits- not my original artwork! I'd prefer to keep my art tab on my main to just my original artwork. So please remember to just credit wooloo ! This also allows us to build a gallery of the base edits (I LOVE checking the art tab on this account and seeing all the edits!! Everyones so talented and creative, it keeps me going I can't lie haha)

Thank you and have a great day / night!


That was YOU? I thought the website was just glitching.

Zero worries!! ^^ So glad you're enjoying my lines, your sona is super neat!