✨Important✨ Regarding my Art

Posted 5 months, 2 days ago by VibrantFangz

Recently, ive gone back into art burnout after opening art commissions. It’s very disappointing, considering how happy I was making art a few days ago, but today, I found myself in so much frustration trying to finish commissions that I fell back into burnout, and it’s extremely miserable. I’ll be taking some time to recover, and refunds have been sent out, but after this, I’d like to continue to work on my own personal art. 

Q: What does this mean for your current art raffle?

A: I appreciate everyone’s support through the art raffle, it’s made me so so happy to see so many people complimenting my art and subscribing!! but I’m going to have to consider cancelling it or lowering the prize. Ruining my mental health and turning my art into a chore is just not worth it. You can choose to unsubscribe and unfavorite if you’d like! I’m not forcing anyone to stay. 

Q: Will you be opening art commissions ever again?

A: Not in the long run, I hope. Maybe one day, when I feel more motivated, but for now, I’d like to focus on my personal art journey. 

Q: Will you continue posting your art?

A: Yes! My goal is to create a kind community surrounding my personal art, and that requires posting and creating consistently. I won’t be posting every day, of course, but when I am able to milk out content, I’ll do so! 

If anyone has more questions concerning this bulletin, I’ll be happy to answer! Thank you for all being so kind and understanding, I hope to continue to grow in my art journey and I hope you’ll follow along~


Taking care of yourself should always come first! 

Im super glad youre making sure to prioritize your mental health./gen

It’s the first time in a while I’ve done it!! It’s tough but overall it’ll be good in the long run. Thank you <3

Please take care of yourself, first and foremost, okay?

^^ That's all that matters right now, well that and you doing what ya love

Thank you so much, that means a lot to me :) <3

^^ We all need a little reminder sometimes to take care of ourselves and our specific needs, cause rarely will we ever listen to ourselves.

  Whatever ya do or don't do, just don't overwork yourself senseless, ok?

your advice is always so kind, thank you 🙏🙏 I will take care of myself, and you do the same ^^