hello! hi! happy new year!..19 days late!

Posted 4 months, 19 days ago by sunnyshrimp

would you rather...

1 Votes eat 15 popeyes biscuits in 1 minute no drink (if you fail you die horribly)
5 Votes lie down naked in the snow in the dark for 15 minutes it's 0 degrees out + there are scary noises (safety not guaranteed)
3 Votes always be known at your work, school, and between friends as "that guy from reddit" (it is derogatory)
3 Votes defend yourself in federal court for charges of pirating Glee (no lawyer)(+they want to make an anti-piracy example out of you for the whole country)
10 Votes perform a standup comedy routine last minute at a venue where ppl are expecting a famous comedian (you are given 10 minutes to prepare)
3 Votes eat 15 popeyes biscuits with no water within 1 minute(fail and you die)

HAPPY (?!) 2024 (!) EVERYONE! Yes it's jan 19. No that won't stop me. 

I've been meaning to write a post since the 1st but i kept getting distracted and just not doing it. but im here now. doing it! 

how is everyone doing! how is life! how is ocs! ive been kind of dead here and that's just totally on me. no reason in particular i'm just tired and broke. but be assured that i am thinking about my ocs all the time, 24/7. i've just been pretty preoccupied surviving my final semesters of uni and dealing with the people in my department and also prepping to do my thesis and *EXPLODE

it turns out studying english literature and language will have you engaging with english literature and language in ways most unwise, but not being able to apply the english literature and language to the things u actually want to write about? it's funny how that works. 

so i haven't had the time to actually write about my ocs in any meaningful way. but i promise they're up there in my decrepit brain, rotating at rates the likes of which would disturb the average toyhouse user...but if you follow me...you know that Youre not just An average joe Shmoe.. 

ok OTHERWISE...i have no fun or bong shattering updates to bring to this bulletin.. just wanted to say hi to my ppl. but let me think.

i am approaching my one year anniversary at my job which is cool bc i like it. one year straight of grilling authors for MONEY!!!!!, which i really enjoy doing. plus i engage with interestingly scholarly lines of thought i guessssss...  i had a wasp infestation in my room that has thankfully been resolved for awhile now, allegedly. will keep you guys posted if they come back in the spring. but i am no longer scared of wasps or beasts anymore because i can do anything having survived that.

i think that's it! okay now it's your turn go!!!!!!!at the very least...drop an oc that youve been thinking about a lot recently. and answer my quiz boy. ok bye!



Perform a standup comedy routine last minute hands down, mostly because I know I can avoid a good chunk of the audience once everything is over 😭😭 the perk of someone who scurries back home once class/work is over and keeps their head way down low online :,)

I may cringe at the memory but it won’t kill me! I’m too full of spite to die (yet)!!

And we all know who haunts my thoughts night and day: the bastard has basically invaded my head for almost two years now. Hell, I recently decided to poke around the Commedia dell'arte out of curiosity, and now I’m thinking about infusing just a smidgen of the Brighella into their character: they already have most of the traits, anyways haha

But congrATS ON YOUR JOB AAAAA Finding something that pays, is in your field of study and you’re passionate about?? You’ve hit the career lottery and I hope you stay winning for the rest of your life!! 🎉🎉 And good luck on your thesis: once that’s done you’re basically freeeeee!!!

Frankly i could absolutely do the popeyes biscuit thing but i think thats the louisianian in me <3 ALSO GOODLUCK ON UR THESIS AND CONGRATS ON THE YEAR AT UR JOB THATS SO AWSOME!!!!!!! Yuo got this im cheering u on i got a foam finger adn everyting. asf for me Currently my only update is im on tht job hunt grind so Hopefully the job market will smile upon me,.

also i will be completely frank with u the oc thats the most in my brain rn is a guy that doesnt even exist in a proper capacity ye t . imgetting a custom (hi nate) of a new mignya i had an idea for and lys and i have been smacking action figures together about it. Somwthing wrong with me that i cant wait 5 minutes to be gay about a finished guy i gotta take a sketch and run like the wind


THANK YOU YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANDGOOD LUCK TO U ON JOB HUNTING it is such a pain i need to start looking at things for like Afteri graduate. but i dont want to you cant make me AHH THEY CANT MAKE ME THEY CANT*START FROTHING*

AND ALSO OMG?I CANT WAIT TO SEE. THE THANG. Nate mignyan pops off always of course.  I Love getting that way about a custom bc then the anticipation gets u u start chewing on things etc whenebver im getting a custom im excited about i love to chew on the sketch for days on end its like clocking into work i look at the sketch like anything ahs changed about it. ok ut anwyay ID LOVE TO SEE THE BEAST 

maybe its the UP in me but being freezing ass naked among the Beasts sounds calming. like damn. also ur thesis... praying for you... </3 kick its ass fr
otherwise i am in a team. doing software project things. [smile] [you can see my tired gay eyes] [SMILE]
also i have ed in my brain but we know that. currently obsessed with feeding him burgers and fries. 

yooper parasite living in ur brain ITS FREAKING COLD OUT HERE BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like id just be too scared..i cant trust a beast not to tear me asunder...especially because i have no protection...What if the Michigan melon heads get me bro

Thank you i literally have no idea what i even want to thesis on so thats pretty cool. Something something itd be fun to do an analysis on queer readings. Put some statitics in there. Idk. BUT THAT SOUNDS FUN IF NOT EXHAUSTING IM HAPPY WORK THINGS R GOIN OK FOR U I HOPE!?

Ed. II freaking love that dude. what the hell..Im going to buy him hamburber and pibb extra ok?

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Guys I'm sorry the popeyes question appeared twice on this bulletin ok? I had this whole post written like 25 minutes ago and then iaccidentally exited out of it so i had to rewrite everything and that did not make it past me

i think the popeyes question appearing twice is good ac tually because one has assistance (water) But a time limit (1 minute) but the other   i scroled back up and saw they were the same exact quesiton nevermind...s orry...

No i like this and it makes for an interesting Dilemma for sure.....Maybe next time i will increase the # of popeyes biscuits but allow for assistance ,not water, but perhaps a hostile beverage like a zero sugar monster energy drink or straight gin?