[INTEREST CHECK 01] yeehaws

Posted 4 months, 23 days ago by spurdroid

interest check

2 Votes interested but doesn't use discord/wouldn't join on discord
3 Votes interested and would join on discord
2 Votes willing to help out [can be with npcs, worldbuilding, or general server management]
0 Votes not personally interested but would join anyways
1 Votes not personally interested

OKAY I've got this concept that I've been working on for the past month or so? 

It's a western setting with a touch of fantasy. I don't have MUCH worked out but I do have a general idea for certain things.

there is an character (dunno if i want him to be a npc or stay a personal character) who is a werewolf thats for sure. There's also like no sheriff bc they all keep dying. That'll definitely be a big plot point. 

I don't know I'm stick roughing out design concepts and worldbuilding. If there's anyone who wants to help with that that'd be super epic. Or also someone who can help make a server :33 

sorry i am utter dogshit at explaining my silly concepts.

additional poll context - i dont use toyhouse much at all so it's mostly going to be on discord. It'll have a rp side but you do not have to rp maybe you just want characters who will go in with the lore or whatever idm. you dont even have to be interested to join idk man. 

I WILL MAKE A TH WORLD ? maybe. most likely.

oh heres what  i have character wise rn



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