NEW Batch of Uchikos CLOSED !

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by srinitybeast

Here is a new batch of Uchikos ! These are the last ones I'll do for a while, and certainly for the rest of this year! I'm unsure when next year I will make more. 

So for now I hope you all like these little fuzzballs !     

They are now open for claims ! Please reply to the claim comment below or dm !

Same as the last batch, they will be $95 each ! You can request to have a fullbody+outfit for an additional $100 if you wanted!















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Thank you ! QvQ I didn't expect it myself  ; _ ; There certainly will be more in the future, and on a side note there might be something interesting coming up involving mosaics in the near future !

Also I think that would be helpful as well! Thank you for the suggestion I'm taking notes for the next one ! Q_Q9   

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ahhh i was afraid it would open while i was asleep gfdkjs i was right orz

though i was confused when i went looking and didn't see a post or anything- i second posting a new thing as an update, i wasn't even aware that the same bulletin would be used-

I'm so sorry about that ! QvQ I will for sure do better about making sure the notice for when/where the openings are much more clear next time along with a warning bulletin 30 mins before opening ! Thank you for letting me know <33 ; _ ; 

no need to apologize! i'm sure it's very stressful running high demand species/adopt claims-- and i don't think anyone blames you fjdks

just chances to smooth things out in the future!

either way, i'll still be looking forward to what you make ;v;/

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For sure ! QoQ I'm happy to do that next time ! THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! Q__Q <3

Please allow me a little time to sort out the claims, and I will reply to them shortly ! I also apologize if it got a little shaky with claims, and replying to the claim comment ! I'm learning the best way to do these right with each of he new openings from a long break of putting out adopts. QvQ9 I hadn't expected so many of you interested in adopting these fellas, and I'm super flattered! I also am sorry if you weren't able to claim one this time, and will try my best to make sure the next batch goes much more smoothly, and fairly ! 

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I'd love #9 please! with the outfit upgrade. 

sorry! posted in the correct spot

Oops! Reposted in the right spot~

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10 and 3

Please reply to this comment with your claim !   

No.10 and No.8 are claimed by DM !

Hi Srin!
I'm not complaining about the results of the uchiko claim at all but may I suggest perhaps including the fact that DM claims are also valid in the bulletin next time and not just by commenting on the claim comment?
Either that or keeping it to one claim method since sending a DM without waiting for a claim comment to show up and such gives a rather unfair chance for claims in my opinion ;v;
Ofc, this is just a suggestion though!!

**Edit: LOL I just realized the updated journal does say DM as well. Feel free to ignore this then

Hello ! I'm so sorry about that ! It hadn't been much of a problem in the past so it didn't cross my mind, but I also wasn't expecting them to go so quickly. That was my fault. I'll definitely be more clear about things next time ! ;__; I'm still trying to work out best methods since i also had a little problem pop up last opening as well. It's been some time since I've done openings, and apologize for my mistakes!  I do believe I will do a one claim method next time as well. Thank you so much for your suggestion, and I apologize again about the mishaps and will do better next time ! Q_Q   

It's all good!! I know these things are rather difficult to figure out since it's not like there's just one specific way to do things ;;v;; thank you for always doing your best to make it fair for everyone <3
And congrats on all the fast claims!! <333

Thank you so much for being kind, and patient while I figure things out, and thank you EVEN MORE for even liking my little furry pals so much to want to adopt them ! Q__Q   I'll definitely do better ! TYTY 

Sorry to butt in but I definitely second this! Personally I think dms are a bit iffy cause people can type out in advance and instantly hit send once the claim comment goes up (as opposed to having to reply to the comment) :'D

But I hope you don't feel too bad, th is a bit messy as well and fast claims are to be expected with these cuties 👀💦💖

Edit: may I also suggest posting a "notice" bulletin 10 mins or so before the claim, so that everyone is prepared! Unless u specifically prefer the flash sale method haha

Thank you for letting me know ! I do believe I will keep it purely comment claims next time ! QvQ I really do appreciate any suggestions to help me figure out the best way to do my openings as they go !   

2 Replies

Claiming 3 and 4 for myself! 10 for LimSeirir and 11 for Kiyotori

(if 3 and 4 are both gone I'd love to try for 7 as well if that is ok...)

Hello !! Thank you so much for claiming ! QvQ 3, 4, and 11 are good to go ! I will DM you in a moment !

Hi could you DM me pleas for #11 ^ v ^) 

Thank you <3

Sure thing ! ;v;

yay awesome!!! I'd love to get the add on option for both <3

10 and 3


12 is your's ! ;v; I will DM you in a moment !

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2 please!

No.2 is your's ! I will dm you in a moment ! TY ;o;9

Thank you so much ; U ; <3 I've got to go sleep, because it's 3:26 am here, but I'll reply as soon as I'm awake, I hope that's okay. I'd like to do the additional $100 option for him as well > u <)9

NONO THANK YOU ! ;O; That's no problem ! Have a good rest !

3 or 5 for me and 10 for @geckcellent !

I'm so sorry 3, and 10 were claimed, but 5 is good to go for you ! I will dm you in a moment ! ;O; <3

I'd love #9 please! with the outfit upgrade. 

Sure thing ! I will dm you in a moment ! ;O;b

1 or 6 as well please!

1 and 6 had not been claimed before your comment! Which one would you like to claim ? ;v;

+0+! id like 6 please <3 with an outfit upgrade for both them and 12 if thats ok!

Sure thing ! I will dm you in a bit for both 6 and 12 ! ;v;b

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7 is all good to go for you ! QvQ I'll dm you in a moment !   

I'll nab 1! With the extra fullbody + outfit >:3c

Sure thing ! QvQ I will DM in a bit !

<333 !!

Is #1 still available?

So sorry ! no.1 was claimed just before your comment ! QvQ Thank you so much for your interest in them !! ;__; 

No problem!~

Oh my gosh, I absolutely LOVE 3 and 12!! ; A ;  fingers crossed I don’t miss them!

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The claiming will be here, but I will also post a new journal as a notice the claiming as started !     

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Oh nooooo I really want number 10 QAQ hopefully I'm quick enough when it opens LOL

Uwah, number 4 and 6 are super cute!! *^*

Gosh I love no. 3 ;A;

I love uschikos I hope I can grab one *cries in bad time zone* time to set an alarm!

also quick questions > v < would it be one person per claim or can we claim multiple? and can there be friend claims?

Multiple can be claimed ! Friend claims are also okay !

ahhh they're so cute !! can i ask what time zone you're in, so i have an idea when to keep an eye out?

Thank you !! So glad you like them !    I'm central standard time !