
Posted 4 months, 22 days ago by jvno



// please do not go out of your way and contact the listed individuals, you will be blocked and blacklisted as well. everyone on this list is permanent!  //

  • Meowrty/Tabel/Tabelspoon/Crispy/RaccoonCakes and Dashpup

    — Downright bully. Had the worst experience EVER with them. Targeted me on and off throughout 2 years, while they were an adult the entire time and I was a minor. Never got an apology from either of them. They blocked all of my friends and users I interacted with. Lost so many friends due to that. But if they ever get to read this, I’d like to be the adult here, and apologize. Whatever I did for you guys to dislike me so bad and ban me off of spite, and stalk and obsess over me for months, I’m sorry. I’ve truly never had this kind of bullying and spitefulness from anyone before. When I was 15 I was dumb, we all were. But what you guys did to me, even if it wasn’t direct, was not okay. at all. 
  • Any FA mods/ Anomura/teapacket/ringle

    — Personal. (teapacket still spreading rumors.) 
  • 5erafina

    — Forced me to refund them after Meowrty told them not to commission me because they didn’t like me, told them I was busy at a grave sight because it was father’s day and i was hanging out with my grandfather. Threatened to report me if I didn’t send all of their amino coins back as quickly enough. 
  • TrippyTippy/Selozar/Fizzy/Stream_/Kovixy


    — Leaked my personal vents! 
  • their excuse was “i made them uncomfortable.”
    i get if i make you uncomfortable, but all they had to do was block me and move on, did they do that? no lmao. they got the idea and scrapped up something to remove me out of SPITE. and used my mental health as an excuse to get banned. if my mental health was such an excuse, why did you confront me on other platforms? and funny because it’s such a huge lie, it’s clear that they did not wish anything but harm towards me and my friend.

    yes i said some things, i said some things like “im glad he feels bad” after i had caused a scene in the server after freaking out because ive been borderlined bullied for almost 2 years nonstop by straight up adults, and when i found out they were communicating with them and purchasing their designs, of course i flipped out. who wouldn’t? so i’m claiming i did that, i never denied it. but leaking something so personal and using it against me just because you can’t STAND being in the same community as me?  like that is just so low, it’s wild.
  • Scarbab and xTeddyo

    - funhoutbw (PERMANENT)

    — Personal. 
  • LuckyGh0stRabbit (PERMANENT) 

    — I take back everything I said about them! Long story short, they were not very kind. Please do NOT sell any designs to them, They are PERMANENTLY BLACKLISTED. 


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