
Looking to resell only for those with price in their name!
For trade, I am looking for things in my pref list:


Ooo I absolutely love this girlie! I have an unused succubuns MYO slot- would you consider a trade for that?

Hey Pink! I have enough MYO slots for now so I will pass, but thank you so much for your offer ;v; )b

Of course! I'll keep an eye out in case I ever see somethin else from your preferences

Hey!! Definitely interested in Eve!! Was wondering if this Terra interested you?

hello! This was really hard to decide, but I don't think I will be able to use her in my story so I will have to pass ;v;
Thank you so much for your offer nonetheless!

Of course! Thank you for considering, hope you have a good day!

Hiya! Does this sacchim eeray interest you by any chance? 

hello! I am mostly interested in cookiehana made eerays/nyaarays but thank you for the offer