
Posted 4 months, 30 days ago by AmongUs

*Written by Zapticuno
Color Mutations

Mutations that alter the coloration of a troll, not including alterations to blood color


Vitiligo/Piebaldism- a condition where patches of skin are without pigment and are therefore white. Vitiligo specifically refers to these patches developing later in life (and possibly moving/growing with time), while piebald is for when these patches are from birth and do not change during the troll’s lifespan.

Poliosis- loss of pigment in the hair, resulting in white streaks. This can occur on its own but is normally alongside vitiligo/piebaldism and can be used freely in that trait without need of this one. 

Albinism/Amelanism- total loss of body pigment. Considering trolls are mostly colored by melanin, there is not much of a difference between these two and are normally used interchangeably (primarily albinism for both). The primary difference is that true albinism removes horn, nail and sclera color along with that of the skin, hair, and irises, while amelanism only removes melanin, which is in the skin, hair, and irises. In both cases, the loss of the melanin in the iris causes it to be slightly tinted the color of the troll’s blood. As the troll ages, the iris will become more vibrant, as it fills in with the blood’s pigment as it would normally.

Melanism- the opposite of amelanism/albinism. This is when the body overproduces melanin, resulting in darkened coloration. This normally is shown only with a darkening of the skin, as that is the normal location of melanin that isn’t already totally black, but it can also affect horns, nails, eyes and other areas. Can range from a slight darkening to being straight black. In some cases, a melanistic troll’s eyes never fill in with their blood color, remaining black due to the excess melanin. 

Hemochromatism- when the body overproduces the applicable blood pigment of the troll’s caste and it begins to color the skin. This can range from a slight tinting to full on pigmentation. Coloration can also occur in patches, similar to vitiligo. It can exist from hatching or develop later in life.

Backwards/Swapped Horns- The color of the horns, instead of starting with red at the base and going to yellow at the tips, have yellow at the base and red at the tips.



Physical Mutations

Mutations that alter the physical features of a troll

Multiple Eyes- It is exactly what the name says- more than two eyes. This has not been noted to cause vision problems or alterations.

Unusual Shaped/ Multiple Pupils- Exactly what the name says- pupils with a shape other than slit or round, or multiple pupils in one eye, or perhaps even both at once affecting the same eye. This has not been noted to cause vision problems or alterations.

Flat Colored Eyes- The eyes are a single, flat color with no pupils. They can be any color, and heterochromia is decently common as well. These always occur with psionics when in goldbloods, but are not indicative of the ability (meaning it can appear in the absence of it). This has not been noted to cause vision problems or alterations.

Tails- tails can resemble any sort of organism’s, the most common being feline or bovine resembling (bovine being a long, relatively thin tail that ends with a tuft of hair). There is also record of trolls having multiple tails of the same type, and this is also considered normal.

Hooves- Instead of normal, humanoid feet, the troll has hooves, normally cloven.

Retained Grub Legs- upon pupation, a troll does not lose their grub legs like normal, and instead of scars have the little legs on their torso. These are normally black but may be the troll’s blood color.

Extra Teeth- the troll has an extra row of teeth, or part of one, in one or both jaws. This mutation can sometimes be quite painful depending on how the teeth come in, but ideally it appears with one neatly aligned row of teeth behind the other, much like a shark. The teeth still regrow when like this, new teeth replacing the old and retaining the extra row.

Wings- an extremely rare mutation, but one held in high regard by troll culture. These wings are normally insectoid and may allow for flight.

Extra Arms/Legs- from when a troll not only doesn't properly reabsorb their grub legs, but these extra grub legs develop into additional legs and/or arms. The size of these and whether they are functional can vary.

Extra Ears- as the name would imply, a mutation where the troll has more than two ears.

Dwelling-swap- a mutation where a troll of a land dwelling caste gains fins and/or gills, or a seadweller caste troll loses their fins and gills.

Ability Mutations

Mutations that affect the abilities of a troll

Alternate Caste Coded- the troll's genetic code, instead of coding for the abilities that would normally go along with their caste, they now have the abilities of another caste that is noted to be exclusive to them. Their blood color remains the same.

Psychic Powers/Telekinesis- rustblood exclusive, this gives the troll psychic abilities, normally manifesting in telekinesis. Unlike psionics whose powers can also involve telekinesis, there is no visual manifestation of a rustblood’s powers.

Animal Communion- a bronzeblood exclusive mutation, this allows the troll to talk with animals of any sort. This is not direct control of animals in most scenarios, just the ability to understand them and for them to understand the troll. However, this ability in and of itself may vary to be actual animal control, or have different sorts of effects on animals.

Plant Communion- a mutated version of bronzebloods' animal communion ability. It behaves the same, except instead of animals, it's plants.

Psionic- goldblood exclusive, this can give the troll a variety of abilities, all tending to have an electric base or appearance to them, or at least some sort of visual manifestation when used; they often are some manner of psychic abilities. The color of these powers’ manifestation corresponds with the troll’s eye color(s), which are always flat-colored eyes.

Rainbowdrinker- like a vampire, the troll gains a thirst for blood, and also becomes immune to (if not already a jadeblood which are immune) and energized by the sun. Eyes become brighter and skin may glow, and the troll has increased strength as well.

Werelusus- the troll gains the ability to shift anywhere between a full troll and full lusus form (which can be any species). They are energized by the sun, and castes other than jadeblood tend to have much less control over the ability and may be more feral. Their eyes normally have some part that is always white.

Superstrength- an indigoblood exclusive mutation, the troll becomes incredibly strong, to the point where with hardly any effort delicate things may be damaged. It cannot be turned off, so affected trolls must be extremely careful with how they handle items and individuals.

Mind Powers- a ceruleanblood exclusive mutation, this can include mind reading and or mind control.

Chucklevoodoos- a purpleblood exclusive mutation, these are powers often centered around fears, dreams, and hallucinations, and have a very wide range of variations.


Blood Mutations

Mutations that alter a troll’s blood color or properties in some fashion

Darkblood- the blood is tainted with melanin, making it darker than normal for the troll's caste, sometimes nearing black.

Lightblood- the blood is lighter in color than normal for the troll's caste, sometimes nearing white.

Brightblood- the blood is brighter in color than normal, sometimes being neon (candy reds are included in this, as a form of rust brightblood).

Paleblood/Clearblood- the body has reduced or completely stopped producing blood pigment, causing it to either be translucent or even clear like water. This can either be from hatching or develop later in life.

Glowblood-  the troll's blood glows, much like a glowstick; it can be constant, controllable or changes involuntarily. The glow may or may not be visible through the skin.

Halfblood- the troll's blood is one solid color that is a mix between two different caste colors; it does not have to be an even mix, just somewhere on the gradient between the two blood colors.

Dualblood- the troll possesses two blood colors that are visually distinct in the blood- whether this be as a gradient or marbling of some type, or the blood color changes (either by choice, some sort of outside trigger, or constantly swapping).


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