
Posted 4 months, 30 days ago by AmongUs

Relationships can be added to in art reward rolls, but what do relationships even do?

Your two trolls have a deep friendship, when pictured together, gain +1 extra roll

Your two trolls have a romantic relationship, in breedings, gain +1 extra grub

Your two trolls have an odd rivalry, when pictured together may kill each other in rolls, but roll rewards are doubled

When two kismesises get too violent, a third calms them down, removes chance of kismesis murder

Gaining a + in a relationship category doesn’t mean those trolls are officially in that category, it just means there’s feelings there! Overall, you’re in charge of your trolls
You may also get -s in relationships, but those don’t happen in art rolls.

Once a day, you may choose a pair to try and roll a relationship for them. However, this may sometimes result in -1 to a relationship score. It may also sometimes result in nothing happening.


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