Crazy ass idea

Posted 4 months, 20 hours ago by PK_Skeletons


Tl;Dr at the bottom

Guess who just found out that the longest piece of literature in the world has over 16 million words? Turns out most of it is plagiarized, so I don't count it. But it got me thinking: 16 mil? That's not too bad. I've got a lot of story ideas in my head. I'd say I'm a creative person. I would love to write an absurd amount of words about my characters. A bunch of dialogue and storytelling, showing growth in them all. You know, I think I might just have what it takes.

I did some math and blow me away. Let's say I write a thousand words in an hour, and then I do that for 8 hours. 8,000 in a day. I do that for 7 days, and I'm left with 56,000 words. Divide that by 1,000,000, I'm left with 17.8, meaning that it would only take me almost 18 weeks of working a 9-to-5 to get me to 1,000,000 words. That's more than the King James version of the Bible. So, if I were to waste my life doing this, it would take me roughly 4.5 months to write 1,000,000 words. Now, seeing how there are still 15,000,000 more words to go, we need to spend some more time. Now if we take that 4.5 months, we get a nice round number of 72.

72 months is exactly 6 years, which means that to get 16,000,000 words, I would need to be at my computer, typing at least 8,000 words a day, everyday, for 6 years straight, just to match this plagiarizer. I won't be ctrl + F'ing anything and it will all come directly from my head, straight onto my screen. Maybe in the future we will have brain reading technology where we can write directly from our brains. Like, we could sit there and think and the words directly come onto the screen. That would be so useful for this. But I will be a champ and write it all out manually with my fingers. I may or may not ask some of my friends to help me with it. This does seem like a very daunting task for me to do all by myself. I am one person who can't just sit down all day and write. I wish I was, but I need to do things. I would hate to be glued to my screen constantly. So that is why I may get some of my friends who know my characters and stories well to help with some writing. Sometimes we may all be together and we can work of separate parts, get a lot more work done than we expect to. It's like one big roleplay. One big collaborative effort. Now that would be cool. Just a bunch of people working on a massive passion project, which would be amazing.

So, who is ready for a 16,000,000 word story about all of my characters?

Tl;Dr: I want to become the person who has the longest piece of literature in the world, and so I calculated how much time it would take to do so. Now I have this unreal thought that this is possible


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