
Posted 4 months, 21 days ago by IdiotScout

Just uploaded most, if not all my new babs to Artfight. Hoping to be able to do a little more this year, and I wonder what our themes will be


Yeyeye I was wandering aswell ^^ Im still thinking if I should join or not this year :3

I hope you do!! It's super fun and can help people improve their art skills and get new art for their characters! Tis a win win in my opinion 🀝🦐

Yeye ^^ oki so it’s more of I might probably will join :3 But won’t draw as many as I did last year cause I kinda got burnt out for a bit ;<; lolz How many drawings did chu do last year ^^

I got 7 last year! They were all drawn in pen though and werent colored in, but I'm still super proud of them. The year before that burnt me out really bad, cuz I did digital on my tiny phone 😭 at the end of that july my hands hurt so bad πŸ’€

I hope to see you this artfight, though! :3

Oh rip but noice ^^ I hope to cya there aswell :3

// I kinda did 61 last year o-o

HOLY MOLY 😭 THATS LIKE, TWO PER DAY OH MY GOSH πŸͺ¨ I couldn't imagine pumping out that many 🦐

On a completely unrelated note, do you allow gift art of your babs? πŸ¦…β“

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