Interactions with my characters! RULES?!

Deleted my profile page with the intent to redo it sometime. everything lately just making me sad and bored to look at so maybe i just need to redo stuff? shrugs. 

since that info is all gone, I wanted to make a quick bulletin for generic info about me/my characters!! RULES OF AJ'S CHARACTERS? lol

- I always love gift art. Any skill. Any reason. The fact you made it for me is fucking awesome and yes please show me. ;; <3 You do not need permission to draw fanart of my characters ever, ya'll good to go.

*super important note; did you draw me fanart and it's not in the character's toyhouse gallery? That's ok that's just aj being sad and not keeping up with her file keeping. She would REALLY REALLY love a nudge or reminder it exists so she can add it to the gallery!!! ;w; I'm very sorry for all the stuff I missed over 2018.. it's just been a rough year and I'm trying to recover it all now slowly.

- If anyone orders commission artwork of my characters, that's.. weird if we don't know each other but I think I'm actually chill with it so long as you ping me/show it to me as well. It's a weird concept I've seen happen mostly only in the furry community and even then super rare. I don't wanna assume people just gonna randomly commission art of MY characters for themselves ??? but ey, these are my thoughts i guess. If we're friends who talk regularly, we often share characters obviously I'm chill with it. _へ__(‾◡◝ )>

- Adult artwork/fanart. I'm personally cool with it, however I might want you to check in with me real fast on who you want to draw. Most of my characters are 100% fine to draw smut of for any reason, but there might be a few that just have sentimental values that I might not want adult works of. I don't have very many characters like that, but hey it's always best to just ask me. I promise you I won't bite unless you ask my characters too. They totally might if you say please. ;>

- Only main rule, don't steal my characters, claim them as your own, rp with them, yadda ya. It's ok if you need to use them as a starter reference to help build your own oc and such, but make sure to source me, source the artists/creators all that. c: I'm super happy to see new creators make characters and I don't mind being an inspiration to them. But just make sure to source/cred your inspirations. <3

- ASKING IF MY CHARACTERS ARE FOR TRADE OR SALE? Please do not do this. Any characters I am considering trading or such will be tagged #LFO looking for offers! If they are tagged LFO totally feel free to comment on them, message me, discord me, w/e. c: I love trading characters and I don't mind anyone making offers to me so long as they're tagged! <3 Or if peeps are offering me wanted/grail stuff omg please message me haha.

- CAN I INTERACT WITH YOUR CHARACTERS? Yes. yep, yes, I'm looking for friends for my characters and shit. I want to rp with my stuff, but I admittedly don't know how to find rp buddies any more. Just know that I'm an Adult and would very seriously only want to rp with people over the age of 18. I just really love writing smut/sex text for my characters and that is neeeever something I even remotely want to accidentally do with a minor. Sorry for the folks who would be interested in rping with me, please just understand and respect this boundary I have. ;w; ty

Uhm. I guess that's all I have on hand. Got more questions? Comment away and I'll do my best to assist!


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