guitar help pleasee

Posted 4 months, 8 days ago by freefallzz

i want to learnto play guitar so bad but even think about doing it gives me anxiety,,.,,.,..,.,.,

does anyone have any tips for someone who has no idea about anything to do with playing guitar?? i am sort of putting off practicing by saying to myself that i need to look stuff up first but idontknow and any help or like websites or whatever would be cool and i would very much appreciate

BYTHEWAY i don’t know if this matters (see above. “no idea about anything to do with playing guitar”) but i have a regular (??) acoustic(???) guitar


i used a book but youtube is very good for beginners, also just search up "how to read chord frames" and learn some chords !! after that use 

(i play a couple musical instruments lol)

THANKYOU SM !!!! i will definitely be doing that :DD

if u need any help, ask me !!! i have a little experience in this field, along with vocals + percussion :D 

oh cool, thank you for the help and i’ll be sure 2 ask you if i need help !!!!! :D