LF Headcanon stuff

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by Hanni

I got bunch of new characters I'd love to develop!
Mostly looking to headcanon and light rp (short para) with these peeps :')
Following are the characters and short description of them (if they have any; some I have no solid idea)

Aurum Regis Prince whose country was destroyed by (insert reason here). Determined, Serious, Formal
Bali No definite idea. Leaning towards dancer
Jin Ba'al Scholar. Smug, know it all dude that studies all things extraordinary
Leto Bard. Hopeless romantic, optimistic
Madeira Priestess/fugitive. Wary of everything, serious, introvert
Rahvi Mercenary. Good example of munchkin, and a big ego too
Nox Mercenary/ex-assassin. Gets his job done, not very talkative, and apparantly has seen it all
Endymion Kelp forest keeper. Too lazy to take care of his forest


aaaa you have so many cool characters but i don't know if i have anyone who would be good for interractions r/n ;v;

good luck though!!

:0 I think a relationship between Madeira or Leto would be interesting with my kid Delta! : http://toyhou.se/53867.delta Esp. Maderia, seeing as she's a fugitive and Delta is a royal retainer :0

Sounds like fun! Does Delta stay most of the time in water or on land? Both of my eerays are more land-inclined (to interact with my non aquatic species;; )

He's on land more! He can't swim as fast as other Eerays thanks to losing his wings, so his tail is more useful on land/makes land travel easier.

oh! I have a retractable wing HC where they can pull away the wing when it is not in use lol Madeira is in a fantasy setting with magic being common. She is running away from the people from her temple because she became possessed and stole a cursed sword (which she was to purify with other priest/esses) :O

OFC that HC can still be preserved in your verse- Delta will still have lose his, so would be unable to do the same! Maybe she comes across his kingdom/territory while on the lamb?? Delta would surely offer to help her, even if she comes off as initially hostile towards him. It's that knight/protector mentality ha ha

their first encounter would be pretty awkward, with her clinging onto her sword and warily staring at him the entire time;; It might take a lot of coaxing to get her to listen to him, since she's afraid she/the sword might hurt him :')

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