I'm working on making some comp mons in AS and I transferred up most of my stuff to gen7 years ago so i am stuck starting from scratch, yipeee. 

I'm after a good IV ditto and possibly a HA gible as well [not as important cuz I can dexnav for one]

I don't really have much to offer on my save files other than uh, a shiny feebas or I guess a master ball? 

if u want something in SV I have a lot more to offer

ty and I'm almost sorry for treating this place like r/pokemontrades 👍



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Yup! X Y / ORAS

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what would you want in return for the ditto :o

and yeah i'm after the gible in the Same game !

unrelated but it's very funny to me that you have the opposite games to me [ I have X and Alpha Sapphire]

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hmm a week is quite a wait, but it's better than the alternative.

and don't worry about the gible ^^ I can get one through  dexnav instead 

I'll give u a shiny feebas then :] 

my original game was OR but I lost it back in 2016 :[ I got AS as a replacement cuz I was afraid my parents would ask me why i wanted to buy a game I already had haha, as for X it came with the original 3DS I bought so that was pretty neat. I'm also currently replaying it, caught xerneas bit over an hour ago lol

game doesn't matter as all 4 games can trade with one another. I will be trading on AS though 

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