mY aRT WAS sTOLEN!!!11 /j (semi serious)

Posted 3 months, 14 days ago by MyPencilDraws

Do you think aliens are real?

0 Votes Um, Duh!
1 Votes That's all science fiction!
0 Votes Why your suddenly talking about aliens Helen

I uploaded my new pfp on da and a follower decided to use it as their pfp. Props to them, they did ask if that was ok (i would have preferred they asked before using the pfp but i digress) and when I explained that I'm not comfy with that they took it down. Not exposing them or whatever since 1. the situation is over now and 2. im 99.9 sure they're a minor and this is not something worth giving them grief over. Honestly this made me realise that I should start watermarking my art now it's at the point people would find it desirable. I used to way back in the day but that didn't last long and for the longest time I didn't feel the need to. Now that Im gaining a larger platform I should start trying to protect my work

TLDR: Had an incident at DA, gonna start watermarking my art now


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