cccat art request (open)

Posted 2 months, 29 days ago by tonto

any of you guys have a CCCat oc who would allow me to draw it???

I simply love this species and it has been my dream for years to have an oc CCCat. but everything in USD becomes LITERALLY 5x more expensive in my country's currency so I believe I won't be able to have an oc CCCat, at least not anytime soon.

But I've never drawn one either! and I would like to at least draw one for the first time. this is a free art, so i will work in btw comms or on weekend


tenho o danny se vc quiser pegar ele seria um prazer

Hello I don't know if you're still interested in owning a cccat, this person has one for sale for $100, I was the lowest priced one i found

their bulletin

They open a store recently in CCCats. You can get a myo for free now (in theory). You will just have to draw events and the art prompts they have set up. So if you don't mind a bit of an art grind, you can work up to it for free! (you can also do art commission for the species currency too!):O
I am unsure if you are on the website and discord but you can get a chance to get them for free during events too! I can help you set that all up if you need help!
In the discord, they have an area where people put their Skire characters in for people to draw too! So you have the chance to see more characters! :DΒ 

Your more than welcome to draw meowmixΒ 

You're welcome to draw my sweet boy! <3Β

Also wanted to add that if you join the cccat server, you can do art for the monthly prompts to earn "crowns". It's the ARPG currency! Once you earn a certain amount of crowns, you can purchase an MYO with the Crowns you've earned through doing the prompts! :) so you wouldn't have to buy an MYO. You could earn one! I hope that helps! <3Β 

This cccat is up for voucher for $300. Figured I'd share

hi!! i think u forgot to link the character but this is tooooo far from what i can spend atm, since it would be 5x more expensive for me, but thanks a lot! πŸ’›

Oh shoot XD right, my bad sorry

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whaaaa ur bb is so cute omgosh πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ˜­

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Man, I just literally traded all of the ones I was willing to let go of otherwise I would have traded for one of your customs when you reopened. >.<
I do have two left that are permanently homed, you're welcome to draw either of them if they suit your fancy!

its ok x'D I really appreciate it anyway, thank you very much πŸ’›

and ur bbs are sooo amazing omagoshh πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’›πŸ’›

ofc ;o; aaaa I was super into it until this past year. :'D

Thank you!! I still love them both a lot, Katsuki was my first!